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Industry Taxonomy

Classification of music-related activities and products in four hierarchical levels

Industry Taxonomy

A not official classification of music-related economic activities and products for personal use, aimed to refine web searches


EMC Media is a taxonomy system, thus, a list of terms as in a vocabulary with related definitions, developed in hierarchical levels (from the wider definition to the strict ones) instead of listing alphabetically as a vocabulary .

If you want to see all the terms as in a vocabulary or glossary, go to Media Taxonomy and sort the page A-Z with the button in the header of list.

All the related articles, overviews lists etc.. are not part of taxonomy. The system itself has no functionalities, nor list of services, companies or personal data, and do not require any particular legal permission and do not violate any copyright law because they are all general terms.


L1 Industrial Areas (or simply Areas) :

Code: EL-1AR

Six main division of music industry and related business activities

L2 Categories

Code: EL-2CA

Twelve categories representing specific contents for search in EML.

L3 Subcategories

Code: CL-3SU

Lists of links to external and internal sources, services, institutions, media and pros selected and synchronized by EML.

L4 Economic Activities


Music Industry related class of economic activities, products and types of classifications.

The ELL (Euphonic Links Lists) or EML Industry Taxonomy is limited to certain classes that are related to the processes of music production, distribution, transmission and consumption.

Even if inspired by the structures of major international standard systems as ISIC (UN) NACE (EU) or NAICS (US/CAN/MEX),  ELL:

  • has been adapted selecting only music industry-related terms.

  • is not an official classification so you can use this lists just for personal use.

  • does not classify only classes of activities (as NACE)  or business establishments (as NAICS)  but also products, other classifications, and useful terms;

For example this system includes performer artists (activity), media services (activity), musical instruments (product),  musical instruments wholesaler or retailers (activities), professional audio equipments (products) , consumer electronics , music software etc..

As the other systems E.L.L. has  four hierarchical sets.

You can start from:

  • Level 1 Areas to choose the industry division of the term you are searching for (e.g. Artistic Area, Music Industry or Events)

  • Level 2 Categories around a dozen of definitions widely corresponding to the  (e.g. Hip Hop, Rock,Metal, Folk etc..) ,

  • Level 4 Clusters if you know what to choose between over 100 styles or variations;

  • Level 4 Genres if you really know what you are looking for in over 1000 genres published as sample of the test version.

About ELL Structure

Data section divided in five areas of music industry

1 Jul 2022

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What is E.L.L.?

E.L.L. is

  • the core Section of EML Website.

  • adatabase of external links as a web directory.

  • a database of internal links to Overviews.

E.L.L. is hierarchically subdivided in four levels according to the EML Industry Taxonomy.

Areas, Categories, Subcategories and Economic Activities.

In E.L.L. the genres and metagenres of EMC are collected and subdivided as Subcategories in the Category Classification and there are not hierarchical relations between them.

For having correct experience in EML Service you might know the differences between.

A taxonomy system.

A directories list.

  1. A catalogue.

What provides EML ?

EML provides three taxonomy systems that help the user.

  • to identify: the works and artists using their artistical features with EMC;

  • to identify and search the types of economic activities offering catalogues of products , or their service on line ;

  • to identify the types of media with which you can listen, watch or getting info about music;

  • to find web directories , web portals or search engines specialized in listing name and addresses of related to the list of goods, products, services and companies listed in all the site.

  •  a platform created for a new way of music consumption. In which the users have the opportunity to select what media can use to access their preferred content . Or to be supported during specific search in which the AI based search cannot suggest what is still in their mind .

How are the entries of E.L.L. created?

  1. E.L.L. encompass the other two taxonomy systems, creating categories from them (Classification and Media) and most of the economic categories (intended as industrial division or wide topics) in a mixed system;

  2. E.L.L. includes in different levels, different types of taxonomies synchronized with EML web directories (Overviews) , and linked to external services that can be "catalogue of products" to sell on line, page of online dicitonary, results page of web platform, blogs, specialized web portals, websites with third parties' taxonomies systems, music schoolo, organizations etc..;

  3. In the higher level , Aeras and Categories, you can find few basic definitions that encompass a vast amount of entries. For example the category Music Industry is so vast that should be a taxonomy system by itself, and could includes as subtypes even most of the other categories; anyway we have created this specific category to includes all processes of recording and distributing publishe works from that ones that stand behind their creation and cataloguing (Artistic Area, Technologies, Learning) , the live performing (Events Management, Concerts), and the geolocation of markets and music scenes (Music Map);

  4. In the lower levels, Subcategories and Economic Activities, the definitions became more specific and turn in to real economic definitions of activities, products, services . Eve if includes terms that indicate products , as "guitars" or "stereo systems", we have call the fourth level Economic Activities because all the terms refr anyway to a list of media services in which you can have information, buy, watch or listen about the item itself. The terms icluded in Subcatgories are more near to the definitions of "classes" in economic taxonomy, but we have preferred use this definition for the more accurate level.

Music classification based entries.

the same collection of EMC genres and metagenres but collected not hierarchically but at the same level , Subcategories, to form the Category "Classification"; in these pages you cannot see list of abstract terms , entries of taxonomies, linked to an Overview as in the other section (for example Pop Music, African American Music, Rock Frame) , but you can find list of list, collected together other ones of the same type: external or internal links.

Industry classification entries

The same logic is applied to the class of economic activity originated by the EML Industry Taxonomy, that you can find here.

In E.L.L. you can access this kind of entries using the hierachy of our taxonomy system (thar is the same of E.L.L.).

  1. Area

  2. Categories

  3. Subcategories

  4. Economic Activities

You can use this example of path:

Artistic Area / Artists Category/ Greatest Artists and then choice in the final subtypes of Economic Activities , for example "Singer" or "Musicians" or "Rapper" etc..


EML Mass-media taxonomy originated entries

Opening a Subcategory page, for example "Greatest Artists", you will find, if existing, the web directory-type list of external links (to home page or deep links) listed manually by the Author(s)related to this subcatgory. For example the link to a list called "The Greatest Performer Artists of XIX Century" in a webzine, or "The Greatest Record Selling Artists" in Wikipedia.

  • - selected works (same as for artists).

  • In the Linklists of other Areas and Categories you will find:

  • - lists of other websites , specialized search engine or portal dedicated to the music;

  • - lists of the global leading companies or organization of music industry. A limited amount , just the ones who any musicians should knows;

  • - lists of the world leading digital operators . This list is used in EMC Media tools to synchronize these third part's search pages with the selected term in EMC , and creates an autogenerated external link;

  • - list of the world leading universities music departments, music schools, scientific projects etc..

  • - list of website specialized in educational topics as E-Learning, technical equipments data, music forum, technologies system etc..

Pages and functionalities for synchronize data and external linking

Taxonomies and functionalities for synchronize data and external linking

The way of cataloguing type of media services and operators in EMC Media (and similarly in ELL/Media Area) is thought in order to select and filter the results that you see as "entries" in al the web sites (e.g the term "Rock" or the album "I Whis You Were Here" with one or more major digital media operators tat we have selected for you.

What kind of links correspond to a particular "Media Type"?

All list entries in media , as well as in other sections, refer to a specific link inside EML or to a third party's URLs. For this reason they should all be classified as "Digital Media".

To understand what in EML is considered the difference between a "Digital" and "Traditional" Media (the other listed Media Types) is necessary understand the meaning of what we call: "Representative Website" and "Digital Media Service".

1) A "Representative Website" is a traditional sites "representing" companies , artists, organizations, institutions or any other legal entity; this website are the presence on the internet of something else;

2) A "Digital Media Service" in EML are all the websites, platforms, or any digital services in which the virtual space of internet represent the main place in which happens their industrial or artistic activity; even if part of a larger company operating in different strand of music industry, these kind of websites or platform do not represent other than themselves; they are usually owned by web companies, having their own representetive websites, but there is no other phisical space in which happen the selling, the distributions, the rent of good, nor the providing of services,than the virtual one.

 Representative Website

The first type, can be defined as "showcase" sites because they are the internet presence of a company or an artist.

In EML , they are defined and classified in this way even if they provide functions such as the sale or search for products or services online, the audio or video reproduction on demand, because there is, other than the virtual one, a physical location where goods are produced, transferred, distributed or stored, or where services are provided.

This type of media is classified in the four sub-sections of "Print Media", "Recorded Media", "Broadcast TV" or "Broadcast Radio" , depending on the type of company they represent.

Digital Media Services

In the subcategory "Digital Media Services" or in the EMC Media pages "Digital Media", you will find instead the media that have in the site itself the core business of that particular brand or company.

The service can be a music music streaming service, an on-line video sharing platform , a database of texts, of music sheets etc..

So, even if these sites are owned by companies with a phisical headquarters or having other traditional industrial activities with own physical premises , the site itself do not represent such companies, but are the only (virtual) spaces where the goods are transferred, distributed or where services are provided. The owner of these kind of media services are usually web companies having their own representetive website, different from the one providing the digital service.

Contents of lists in "EMC Media Section" and "Media Category"

We can say that the lists in EML are preferentially but not exclusively created as list of :

- EML precompiled lists;

- external URLs to third party's lists;

- external URLs to specific pages inside music or general database (e.g. the deep link to an artist�s Wikipedia page);

- sites specialised in the selection and search of music professionals (e.g. personnel search sites for events, artists' portals, trade association sites, etc.);

- lists of digital media services (home page);

- lists of search pages for digital media services, whose search field (barrra) is pre-loaded with the searched entry (ex genre, artist, song or album);

- lists of specific pages of third-party sites or music or video platforms, with content relevant to music culture in general; these must meet precise requirements , including the legitimacy of the owner of the channel or site to exhibit such content, the non-disclosure of explicit material, offensive to the sensibility of a minor audience or promoter of political, religious or other propaganda; in any case EML does not reproduce any of these contents, but only lists the link to them.

Broadcast and Print Media

A special distinction should be made for the two types of Broadcast Media and for traditional Print Media Publishers.

Print Media

In "Print Media"  that is considered Traditional Media, you will find links mostly to companies that publish, produce or distribute traditional printed media such as books, newspapers, periodicals. They usually are big companies producing and commercializing both the printed and digital form of text contents, although the latter has become prevalent. The URLs listed are mainly home page of Representative Website of such companies, portal or media services specialized in cataloguing these kind of publishers. The latter case is one of the most controversial because could be included both in digital or print media.

In "Digital Media Services" subcategory you will find websites or platform providing text contents, but exclusively by the digital medium (Eprint or only Ebook );

Action Filter

All media dealing with works or articles in written form, digital or traditional, are however easily traceable through the so-called Action Filter.

You can find this function in all the page listing media or in the pop up appearing before an user request for the "Media Search" page.

See the article Action Filter

In case of text contents, if you are in a page with multiple type of media listed, you can use th drop down Action , and pick up the option "Read" to filter all the sites in which are offered mainly content in written form, therefore readable, both digital and traditional media.

Broadcast Media

In the case of Broadcast Media, among the "Digital Media Services" we would find all those sites or platforms that offer audio or video content fully accessible online, and in which this type of service is the main function of the media itself.

We have followed this rules to catalogue media broadcast:

  • The official website of a broadcasting company that offers descriptive content only of the company itself, such as the organization chart of the group, the television or radio channels owned by the group, a description of the company mission, the results obtained, pages for contacts and vacancies etc.. is a "representative site", does not offer specific services to the user (such as audio or video playback or content updated as frequently as in webzines) so it is not listed in the Media Services,(the fourth level of the EMC Media section), but is present in the category of economic activities "Media operators" in the relative subcategory "Broadcaster Media Operators" (NACE J-60.20 - Television programming and broadcasting activities);

  • The institutional site of a television channel , as can be for example one of the channels owned by the group previously described , in which no audiovisual content is offered (although it is clearly an option now rarely more contemplated) updated and specific, such as live streaming television or on demand, but only not often updated news on the channel itself, is always a "representative site", but , in this case, unlike the site of the broadcast operator group, it represents a real media, a broadcast media that is not part of digital media services, but is represented on the Internet by this site, which is then included by right in the industrial subcategory Broadcast Media Services in ELL (NACE J-60.20 - Television programming and broadcasting activities, same as in the case of the operator), but not in the digital media services of EMC Media, because these assume that the site offers a streaming service or news updated daily.

  • The institutional site of a television or radio channel that instead offers live or on demand streaming audio or video, updated news in form of articles or shared video and other constantly updated media content, unlike the previous case, is a real digital media service: a media broadcast that, in addition to carrying out its function of broadcasting content in the ether or cable or satellite, also uses the Inernet channel is inserted in the industrial subcategory Broadcast Media Services in ELL (NACE J-60.20 - "Television programming and broadcasting activities", same as in the case of the operator), and also in the EMC Media Level 4 - Digital M Services.

Often these companies are owners of different types of media and it is preferred not to create subcategories too specific not to have to choose in which to insert them.

Also in this case, if they exist, the inclusion of "bridge sites" or specialized in the search of the same.

In each rows of a EMC Media Linklists you will find 11 coumns:

1) A relative reference number of the listed item;

2) The EML Icon of the media type (e.g streaming platform icon);

3) The name of the Media to which you will be redirected once clicked ion the row;

4) The type of media indicated in the column 3) (e.g streaming platform);

5) The Main genre/s or other EMC levels threated in the media (e.g Dance for;

6) The main Action of the media. EML lists five action (function)s) that represent what the site are made for or contains:

I) Overview : music database (e.g All Music) or online encyclopaedie� (e.g Wikipedia);

II) Read : contains tha world leading website where you can read about music. (e.g Rolling Stones webzine). Obviously the action read is included as second action of the website listed in Overview:

III) Listen : includes mainly streaming platform, but also� all the website in which you can find are listenable or downloadable music in form of tracks (fre or not) , online radio, mp3 free download archive, etc.. Usually a online musc store has listen as second Action;

IV) Watch: includes mainly media operator providing shared, downloadable, or watchable in live streaming video files. In this category are als listed the website of the television broadcast terrestial operator and the main music related internet form of television channel.

V ) Buy: using this filter of the media listed , you can find the world leading operators that sell legally music as downloaded files or phisical records sold on line. Usually the category of media that have Buy as first action, have Listen as second.

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