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Exploring music like never before

Welcome to EML, a music-related classification of genres, media services and economic activities, expressly created for the web search.

Our system is designed to meet the needs of all music fans, regardless of their knowledge level.  Start from the system that match the entry you're searching for, between Music, Media and Industry Taxonomy , then select the level that more fit the type of your researches.

This simple and intuitive design makes it easy for beginners to dive into the world of music classification. We’re confident you’ll find just the music you need with EML.

Music Frames

EMC L1 - Ten sets defining the largest movements in popular music since 50s.

Broad Genres

EMC L2 - Standard terms to define a wide "umbrella" of Genres with common sound rules and a pivotal movement

Music Clusters

EMC L3 - Paths of styles, music markets within the same Broad Genres

Main Genres

EMC L4 - More than one thousand standard sets defining the units of the classification system.

Music Taxonomy

Our music classification includes genres of popular music , mainly from the second half of the centuryThousands of music genres subdivided in four levels for a gradual approach to the entry you need.

You can start from Music Frames to find the ten largest cultural movement in popular music. Music Frames embed styles and movements very different from each other but all of them have a common root. African American Music, Jazz, Rock Frame (a set of Metal, Rock and Punk), Dance Music or Electronic Music are all Music Frame.

If you want to have access to the standard genres etiquettes, you can start from Broad Genres, that encompass the boundaries of genres rules.

For example: Hip hop, Rock, Electronica, Folk, Western Pop , Latin Pop , International Pop ,Country, Metal, Punk, Funky, R'n'B &Soul, EDM, Blues , Downtempo are all Broad Genres. 

If you want to search in more than one hundred terms you can start from level 3 Music Clusters

Most of Clusters are created on their music features as style and the path of their historical movements. The Level 3 set in EML can be associated to the radio formats and many well-known genres as Alternative Rock, Classic Rock, Space Rock, Soul, Rhythm and Blues, Electronic Blues, Arabic Pop,  Alternative Metal, North American Folk, Caribbean Dance, Origin Jazz etc..

Some Clustes have been created on the basis of common language or geographical features as Francophone African Pop, East Asian Pop, Eastern EDM, Arabic Music etc.

The level 4, Music Genres is the set of basic units. In this test version you can find just a limited number of genres-around 800- but the level will be soon radically empowered.

A Music Genre in EML represent the largest definition of what can be strictly described with same music features.

Every Music Genres can have several subgenres, that in EML do not create a further level. They are listed in the features of the entry.

Note: in EML a music genre is a standard definition while a Music Genre is a specific entry of our Music System that could have been created for the purpose of this platform, the web search, and

Music Classification

At EML, we've developed EMC - Euphonic Music Classification one of the three  taxonomy systems that simplifies the exploration of genres through a well-structured four-level approach. The hierarchical method allows users to gradually dive into the vast world of music, ensuring an enjoyable and insightful experience. Each level connects seamlessly to related content, helping users discover new sounds and styles as they navigate through carefully curated lists. Start your musical journey with EML and uncover the genres that resonate with you.

Pop Music

Western , Latin and International Pop. Subsets mainly divided by geographical areas with similarity in consumption of pop music. Some of these macro areas cross the geographical boundaries of continents and in certain cases are intertwined with each other.

African American Music

Blues, R&B and Soul, Jamaican Music and Hip Hop: the four standard metagenres based on one or more pivotal genres of african american music or directly from african oral traditions. Artists in this frame are not only from American territory.

Rock Frame

The three Broad Genres originating from the exploit of Rock and Roll movement: Rock Music, Metal and Punk Rock. This Frame does not include the crossover genres whose sounds are widely based on electronic instruments (see Electronic Music).

Folk & Country

The greatest traditional music divided by Western Folk, Country Music and World Music. This Frame is based on the artists's repertoires and the music traditions they represent, despite their origins or the country in which they usually publish their works.

Electronic Music

Electronic music movements whose production is not exclusively club-oriented: Downtempo, Drum'n Bass and Crossover Electronic. This Frame include also artists's repertoires with High-Tempo tracks whose main consumption is intendend for dancing but are not generally considered dance music.

Dance Music

Popular, Underground Dance and EDM. In this Frame are listened electronic, folk, ethnic and traditional forms of popular and underground dances. To be distinguished from Ballet Music, the Contemporary Art Music broad genre.


Classic, Ethno, Mixed Genres and Contemporary Jazz. Also if Jazz are widely considered a genre of african american music the huge density of its genres and the amount of styles it incorporates lead to create a set to itself. Artists listed here are from 1940s to current days.

Contemporary Art Music

Contemporary Classical, Avant-garde and Experimental Music. Even if EML should lists only popular music genres, the wide spread of this movements and their influence on the entire popular music led Us to create this macro set.

Movies and Shows

Film Score, Theatre and Ballet Music. All tracks included in this Frame have been produced and distributed as integral part of movies soundtracks,accompaniment of theatre or balllets shows . Tracks published previously and then used in these kind of production or defined in other genres are not included in this Frame.

Commercial Music

Advertising, Themes and Children Music. The frames together with Movies and Shows could be defined as the music industry figures "synchronisation" : the use of music in advertising, film, games and TV.


The first level features ten significant cultural movements, each serving as a pillar for the rich diversity of styles we enjoy today. In all the Entries page you can find a list of media services in which you can search the the term by clicking on the row. You don't have to copy, open a new page and paste it in the search bar. Once you're in the external media, you'll find the term searched as a results of a query. Enhance your knowledge with our captivating videos that introduce the essential features of each entry, making your exploration of music both educational and exciting.

EML: Exploring Music Like Never Before

We classify genres, economic activities , products and media involved in music production and consumption. Test version for collaborator only

Music Taxonomy

We believe that music is more than just sound. It's a language that connects us all. Our music genres classification offers a deep dive into the world of music theory and history, giving you the tools you need to understand the language of music. So, let's explore together.

Industry Taxonomy

A comprehensive industry taxonomy for personal use that simplifies management , studies  and web search. Our taxonomy categorizes classes of economic activities, products and nomenclature strictly related to music industry and media,

Media Classification

EML is the ultimate destination for media classification. We utilize our state-of-the-art technology and experienced team to provide you with accurate and effective media analysis. Trust us to take care of all your media classification needs.


EML music library is an high qualified collection of artists, albums and tracks fully synchronized with EMC , the four level classification of music genres and super-genres. Whether you're working out, relaxing or partying, you'll find how easy is to find new experiences.

The second level unravels the complexity of music genres and styles through an affordable list of around thirty well-defined major set that are the well-know terms as Rock, Country, Hip Hop, EDM etc..Broad Genres articulates the origin and unique features of each genre. on slightly deeper level than the first level (usually, in each Frame  you can find three Broad Genres but the nuances they are still complex and the definition very large. But you can start to choice your path basing your choice on origin-based sets as in Pop Music (Western, Latin and International Pop), terms originated by mere music features (e.g.: Downtempo, Electronica and Drum'n'Bass in Electronic Music) or by the production strategies (Advertising, Children and Theme Music in the Commercial Music).

An organized and non standard classification of music genres
An organized and non standard classification of music genres

A systematic classification of music based on various criteria. A way to understand the diverse range of genres, styles, and subgenres that exist and upcoming. They provide a framework for organizing music collections, creating playlists, recommending similar music, or conducting in-depth studies on specific genres or musical trends. (3D image by Paolo Busellato)

Music industry related classes of economic activities for your searches
Music industry related classes of economic activities for your searches

A hierarchical classification system that categorizes music related  industries and economic activities based on their similarities and relationships. This classification system is often used for statistical analysis, economic research, and regulatory purposes.

Classes of media contents, services, formats and type
Classes of media contents, services, formats and type

"A media taxonomy is a tool to juxtapose different media with respect to a variety of different criteria. Creating such a taxonomy can help better understand, discuss, and visualize media and how different they relate and differ from one another" (Jason Rissman - The University of Chicago)

Artists, albums, tracks, media and filtered by our taxonomy systems

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