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4. Linking Policy

4.1 Evaluation Criteria

- Links must be consistent with the mission of EML and the cultural oriented purpose of its programs;

- EML in the Test Version has no formal relationship with organizations or businesses, EML may link to their sites.

- all activities, artists, organizations that EML links to must be treated equally;

- generally, if not specified, EML does not sort activities, artists , organizations or works by some particular ranks or rating systems, but by the first letter of their legal name/title or by historical , cultural or sound path, according to its mission;

- links to commercial sites must avoid favoritism or bias relative to other similar commercial sites

- the choice of the commercial sites to which EML links to is exclusively a mere consequence of where the information , data or features in this site came from. This mean that the external links must be considered as a sources list. The Author's research have been possible only thanks to the service that are defined as "media services" or "external links";

- the author and his collaborators, in the trial version, have no commercial relationship, nor do they receive any type of subsidy, sponsorship, or other form of economic benefit from the companies listed on the Site. If a company proposes an agreement or a technical sponsorship, it will be clearly indicated in an appropriate manner but cannot affect the order of presentation of the companies that follows a precise order of size and popularity of the companies themselves and that is part of the Author’s will to provide an unbiased "guide" to the most popular web companies in the web.

4.2 Third Party Information.

Some of the information on this Site is supplied by independent third parties. EML makes no warranty as to the accuracy of any such information and hereby disclaims all liability for any third-party-supplied information.

4.3 Links to Third Party Sites.

Extract from EML Terms of Use.

"This Site contains essentially links to web sites controlled or offered by third parties (non-affiliates of EML).

The structure  of Linklists is made of linkable raws with indicates the basic data and features of the site connected. The websites to which EML lead to by the Linklists are only provided as a convenience of EML to show selected contents of the different levels of EMC Music Classification.

External Links in Linklists may be of two different type:

- Precompiled Links : clickable raw of table with connected to fixed lists of Third Parties's URL as https// .......... listed by EML Author and or by its Staff. Pages connect usually to home page of this sites or to a specific predetermined internal page. These kind of links offer a well defined content as result.

- Autogenerated Links :  clickable raw of table with connected to an autogenerated URL , created by EML JS code, sncronizing the searched word, or the word indicated in the button, with the search page of the media indicated in the raw. Links of this type cannot ensure a secure result, but all the media to which you connect by clicking these lines are listed on the same page, and represent the most important and reliable digital media operators whose service is mainly aimed at the theme of music or the largest online encyclopedias.

They does not endorse or recommend any products or services offered by or information contained in any of these third-party sites. EML hereby disclaims all liability for all information, materials, products or services posted, offered or that may be accessed at any of the third-party sites linked to this Site. EML makes no representation regarding the quality of any product or service contained at any such third-party site. Furthermore, EML hereby disclaims all liability for any failure of products or services offered or advertised at those third-party sites.


4.4 Third Parties' Search Page

In the page with autogenerated lists (it's indicated in the top of the page and in the table of page feature) you can have faster access to internal search page ("Serch Pages") of third parties' websites,  ("Other's Websites") only by clicking in the table rows.

The word that you see on the title of the rendered page (e.g “Western Pop Music”) is searched in Search Page of Other's Websites without copying or typing the name.

How to use the autogenerated links.

Clicking on one of the row, a new tab (a page inside the same window of your browser, different from the one rendering EML website) wil be opened, and the Other's Websites Search Page visualized with the title of EML page as object of its search.


4.5 Regulamentation in Third Parties'websites accessed via

Remember that in the tab opened up in your browser by clicking this row you will not be inside EML anymore. This page are not framed from third parties, or embedded in any way in EML. Entering to this page you will have to accept the Term of Use of the owner. EML is not responsible for your behaviour as user or member in these third parties' pages opened with the clickable row.

The new Tab let you to recognize immediately that you are browsing in another websites and let the tab of EML to remain opened and to keep on searching other links.

For not overloading your line EML suggest you to open not too much tab at the same time.

E.g: if you click in 100 rows you will open 100 new tab with 100 different website rendered. We suggest you to limitate the number of the tab open according to the performance of your of provider and of your device. There is anyway no limitation or rules bout this argument. You can open how many external link you need but EML will not be repsonsible for any issue related to this kind of behaviour. EML is not responsible for any kind of issue generated from third parties' website, whether they are phisical (e.g technical issue to PC, to your line, to your software etc..) economical (request of money, opening of premium account, charging money from your credit card, infringment of copyright etc..) or psychological (rendering of shocking images, bad behaviour of other user, offensive language, diffamations etc,,). We are not responsibile for every issue or damage depending by the third partie's website, platform , blog or any other web-based media, traditional media related to the web page opened by EML service and we have no commercial agreement with any of the owner of any of these Website.

are searching for to the sub-levels of each frame by selecting them in the side menu. By clicking on this list you will be connected to its overviews pages, where you will have the self-generating search for links for that level. Unlike the standard list menu search, these links open a new window. So , without moving from the search page you will have on average 70 -100 pages of overviews in which to find hundreds of self-generated links, for a total of hundreds of thousands of links, all linked to that specific Frame selected because searches based on sub-levels of the same.


4.6 Linking Policy Rules

(see also the chapter “Links” in part II _ Description of the EML Service”) 

If you would like to link to this Site, or any other EML Web site, you must comply with the following guidelines:

  1. Do not incorporate any Site Content, or content from any other EML site, into your web site (e.g., by in-lining, framing or creating other browser or border environments around Broadridge content).

  2. You may only link to this Site, or any other EML site, by providing an underlined, textual link from your Web site to the home page of that EML site (an “Authorized Link”). For example, is the only Authorized Link to EML's webpage “Home Page” means the introductory or main web page of a Web site, typically serving as a table of contents for the site. No other link to any EML site is permitted without the express, prior written approval of EML.

  3. You may not present an Authorized Link to any EML home page in a manner that suggests EML has any relationship or affiliation with your site or endorses your site, products or services.

  4. Your site must not present false information about EML, its products or services.

  5. You may not use any of EML's names, logos, designs, slogans, trademarks or service marks or any other words or codes identifying any EML site in any "metatag" or other information used by search engines or other information location tools to identify and select sites, without EML's express, prior written permission for a particular use.

  6. Your site must not contain content that could be construed as distasteful, offensive or controversial.

  7. Author or EML prohibits unauthorized links to its Web sites and the framing of any information contained on its sites, or any portion of its sites, without the express, prior written approval of the Author. Furthermore, you may not archive, cache, or mirror any EML Web page or portions of a Web page. EML reserves the right to disable any unauthorized links or frames. EML hereby disclaims all liability for any material on other Web sites that may contain links to this Site.

  8. If you would like to use, reprint, frame, or redistribute any content on EML site other than as permitted herein, you must request permission from Author by writing to with included: name, e-mail address, telephone number; the name of your company/association/band etcc.; the Web site address(es) where the proposed use will occur; and specific details about the contemplated linking or framing activities, including the content or Web page(s) of this Web site which you would like to use.

1. The Site - EML Euphonic Music Lists

1.1 Access and acceptance

1.1.2 Modifications

EML  reserves the right to amend, remove, or add other parts to the Terms at any time.

These modifications shall be effective immediately.

While using the site make sure that there are no substantial changes to the terms of use. These changes will be reported to users by means of messages inside the “Site” or directly to the Logged Users via email.

You will have to agree to the new “Terms”Site after any modifications have been posted to the Terms constitutes your acceptance of the modified Terms.

If they are modified and clearly indicated at the time you access the Site , your acceptance will be implicitly received through your access as a member through the Log In or through the initial acceptance as Users.

If, at any time, you do not agree with the contents of the Terms or you intend to have any behavior contrary to the rules of this Terms, you will be prohibited from accessing or using the features and consuming the contents of the Site. It will also be prohibited to connect internal or external third parties’s links (External Linklists) constituting, as expressed in the chapter Linklists, one of the main features of EML.

Any addition or amendment to this contract, proposed or written by the Users , whether contrary to the general concepts that inspire this regulation but also similar to them, will not constitute any type of effective change to the "Terms" and will be expressly rejected by EML and will have no effect whatsoever.

Users : "Members" and "Visitors".

To access and use the EML service as best described in the following paragraphs we would define "Users", whoever visits the user site through the URL

Those who access the "Site" as individuals and not as robots, are therefore divided into  :

1) "Visitors"  if they visit without subscribing to the "Site" and then using the "EML Partial Service" and accepting the General Conditions of the EML Terms of Use and the t.o.U Wix;  

2) "Members" if you agree to subscribe to the "Site" accepting both the General Terms and Conditions of the EML Terms of Use and the WixT.o.U and the Specific Terms and Conditions for Members that will apply both as members and to (See the specific conditions for members) than at EML. Such conditions have a priority to "cascade", that is they apply in primis the general conditions of, that is of the owner of the platform which is accessed turning on to EML, and therefore those specific of the "Site".


In this document and in this Test Version of the website, the words : "The Author" or "Author" or "We", or "I" are always referred to Paolo Busellato, a creator of artistic contents, born and living in Italy - Tax Code : BSLPLA74P30D969Q . The Author  is the sole exclusive owner of the EML project intended as  the contents of the "Site" and all the front and backend programming code developed in this website except for that all the basis functionalities and the website development tools offered by the platform Editor X ; (see the next paragrpah).

The Author is the owner of the "Site"currently located at domain

1.5 The development of the Site

The Site has been created, developed and managed  with  one of the the "cloud based" website builders of (owned by called Editor X, an advanced creation platform for designers and web professionals.

The Website platform EML connected may vary over time and its contents in general ("Site Contents") but it's summarized in :

1.  exclusive graphic content of the site ("Lay Out") such as the Logo ("Logo")

2.  text content ("Script")

3.  name of the "Site"("Sitename")

4.  intellectual content of the structure and functionality of the Site as presented "as-is" ("Site Structure");

5.  front-end code back end accessory to the EML site only and that determines the features specific to the graphical interface between the contents of the site "Contents" and the chain of processes that determine the access and use of them by Visitors and Users

6.  all pages attached to the Site ("Blog", "Member Area") Ltd , hereinafter called "Wix", is the owner of the cloud-based platform, which will be called "", used by the author and for the creation and publication of the "Site". 

"Wix" is a web society based in Tel Aviv , Israel and registered in the European Union with European VAT number - EU442008451.

"" has its own Terms of Use and its own Privacy Policies which is important that the Visitor/Member know why "Wix" has access, through "" to the data of the same collected by the Author for registration.

Such terms of use are in effect a contract between “Wix” e the ”Author” and between “Wix” and the Users, even if they regulate such relationships differently.


Below with the quote "T.o.U Wix " I will indicate a quote from the Terms of Use of the same Ltd present on the site of the same company and valid both towards the User and the Site Administrators , available in full at these addresses:  (ENG) (ITA).

Below with the quote "P.P. Wix " we will understand the content of the text regarding the Privacy and Policy of the platform available at the following addresses :        (ENG) (ITA)


All the copyright information of the Wix.Com platform can be consulted to these addresses:  (ENG)

And in general about :  (ENG)    (ITA).

Wix Terms constitute a legally binding and legally valid legal agreement between Ltd. and its affiliates and subsidiaries worldwide and the User in connection with the use of the Wix Services, so please read them carefully.

The Agency

The author of the site, in this release launch, for the period ranging from: ______/ a ______ is represented by the Agency ___________________ a company _________________registered in the Register of Companies with the number __________________whose registered office is at ______________________________________ and which manages the relations between theAuthor, Visitors, Users, Third Parties, and possibly other categories of professionals and institutions who wish to interface with the Author.

The Agency for the period indicated will represent the Author but will not have the marketing rights of the Site. Will carry out more

only a function of representation and promotion of the same.

The Agency together with the Legal, evaluates and eventually corrects the system of negotiation between Users/ Visitors and the Author (Terms of Use), respect for Privacy (Privacy Policies) of any data stored by the Author and

Any extraordinary decision, official communication of the site, agreements with other agencies, companies or contractors, must be made after agreement with the author of the site.


The/and agencies have a role of promotion of the site through promotional campaigns on digital media and not digital, improvement of the SEO of the site and other forms of active collaboration in the form of

- suggestions for changes/ improvements

- correction of the current layout and content of the site

- suggestions for cultural initiatives

- mediation with organizations, companies, record labels, authors, artists, web companies, public bodies, etc..

- guidance/ suggestions on the overall functionality offered by the EML service

-  any changes (implementations/reductions) of the EML service based on the possible request and on the statistical data of the site traffic.


Legal Office


The legal _______________________ will be the mediator between the Author and Third Parties regarding disputes and other legal aspects of commercial agreements, subscriptions or changes to the lists of the site, modification of data etc.. (if they should be provided) with third parties, that is:


  • private ( contributors Users )

  • various companies (Pros collaborators, consultants)

  • media operators with whom to sign contracts, releases and other forms of collaboration specifically regarding the possibility of having systematic access to the pages of their websites/ platforms, regulating this access system with the bases of this document ("Terms") regarding the access of Users and with further specific agreements with the individual parties for relations between Author/Agency -Media Operators. This form of contract will have a part made public in this document "Terms" and a part that will be accessible on request by anyone who has the title to request express verification of these conditions

  • non-profit organizations/ institutions and other associations for collaborations, cultural promotions and addition of Web addresses and other definitions in EML lists

  • artists, understood as "performers", musicians, singers, support bands, conductors, DJ’s, rapper, authors, songwriters,who request to be listed or deleted from the lists or ask for changes or make special requests for their presence on the site;


Translator (eventually)

A professional translator must play the role of verifying the grammatical, semantic and textual correctness of the following documents in general:

- Terms of Use (this document)

- Privacy Policies

- Site Rules and User Guide (verify only)

1.2 Parties (or Entities) involved

1.1.3 Terms

Thanks for choosing EML – a service for reading an exclusive classification of popular music (EMC , Euphonic Music Classification) made up in to four levels and for sincronizing the listed entries with the major global media operators offering a service related to the music.

The service of EML is registered under the laws of Italy, located at ____________________________and doing business under the commercial name “Euphonic Music Lists” (or “EML”, or “E.M.L.”, “we”, “us”, “our”).

By signing up or otherwise using the EML service (“EML Linking Platform” or the “Platform” or “Service”), websites, the WIX software “Wix”, that provides backend functionality, data archive in cloud and  the platform of editing the “Website”, accessing any content or material ,"Content", or "User Content" Users (“Visitors” and “Members”) accept this “Terms” as indicated in the chapter “ Access and acceptance” of this document and to respect the guidance for the use and purposes of this “Site” so as the “Author” has create it.

©Euphonic Music List (the website is a cultural project aimed at the classification of international popular music, the promotion of music content on the web and the selection of artists, albums and tracks by artists from all over the world.
The main expression of this cultural project is currently represented by this technical blog or website created by the Author in the 2020 and published in a first Test Version in 2021.

The website is entirely created, updated and promoted by the Author without commercial purposes as a personal blog and expresses an artistic point of view about the relationship between the genres, the works and artists listed.

The general Terms of Use of the EML Euphonic Music List Service (this document) includes the following terms:

"The Site" website accessible on http://www..... (which in this document will be called the "Site" or "EML"

the versions of the same for tablets and mobile (defined : "Mobile Version") that are not comparable to the definition of "Application" or "App", as they are only adapted versions of the same "Site" for different devices.

The "Site" and the "Mobile Version" are therefore generated by the same entity as indicated in par 1.2 , the contents (information and data on artists and genres) are the same as are the Urls in the respective pages, with the difference that there are differences in the graphic layout and in the availability of graphic elements or linkable.


The Operator's services are offered via the Internet, including at but not limited to the URL "" and are available in connection with third-party offers on the Internet and on (terminal) devices. Unless otherwise specifically excluded, the terms of this agreement shall apply to any other arrangements entered into with the User. These terms and conditions shall also apply to future contracts with Users even if their application is not expressly referred to again. Deviating terms and conditions are only effective if the Operator agrees to their application in writing.

1.1.5 Registration to the site

The subscription to the site provides that the user "Visitor" expresses the desire to use the platform using some additional features and to subscribe to the list of "Members" of the site foreseeing some differences in the contractual conditions.

2.4 Access form

The "Visitor" who agrees to become  "Member will express their will through the access form to registered users provided by the Wix platform, and not managed by the Owner of the Site.

As stated in Article 2.1 General User Information, the "Visitor" who agrees to become a  "Member will accept :

a) the General Conditions of the EML Terms of Use regarding

1.      the exclusive features of the website

2.      the management of personal data by the authors and operators of

3.      The Privacy Policies of

4.      Wix Platform Terms of Use regarding

1.      the use of features common to all Wix sites;

2.      the collection and management of data by;

3.      the general policies of behavior within a Wix site in the form of that part of the Privacy Policy directed to the end user of the site and not to the designer.

Age limits

If a visitor wishes to access personalized services with the ability to store content on their device within the memory made available by the platform "Wix" and managed in the local browser   (if not yet registered to the service), must have at least 16 years of age at the time of accessing the site with your browser consider these terms of use (including the Privacy Policy) (hereinafter "the Terms) to be accepted without reservation;

Use of the “Site”

Use of the Site and the Application is only permitted for personal and private purposes; therefore, any other use is strictly prohibited, in particular in commercial activities and spaces open to the public.


INSERT:  from Wix Terms of Use

These Terms of Use ("Terms of Use"), together with the additional terms that specifically relate to some of our services and some of our functions as presented (e) on (i) ("Wix Site") and, collectively, the ("Wix Terms"), all constitute the General Terms, in their entirety, applicable to each of our visitors or users ("User" or "you") of the Wix Site, the Wix mobile application (the "Wix App") and/or any other service, application and functionality offered by us with respect to it, unless expressly stated otherwise (all services offered through the Wix Site or Wix App are collectively referred to as "Wix Services" or "Services").

The Wix Terms constitute a legally binding and legally valid legal agreement between Ltd. and its affiliated companies and subsidiaries worldwide ("Wix", "we" or "us") and the User in connection with the use of the Wix Services, therefore we invite you to read them carefully.

You may only visit the Site and/or use the Wix Services and/or the Wix App if you agree to the Wix Terms and use and/or register with any Wix Service, you express Where you do not intend to read, to the understanding in their entirety and to the acceptance of the Wix Terms, you are required to immediately leave this Wix website and to avoid or discontinue any use of the Wix Services. By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read our Privacy Policy available on ("Privacy Policy").

It is so easy

By visiting our website or using our application and/or our services, you enter into a legal agreement with us, consisting of these Terms of Use, and the legal conditions of our additional services.

By using our services, you agree to these Terms and declare that you have read our Privacy Policy. Failure to accept all of our Terms will preclude your use of our Services.

tion License (GFDL) (unversioned, with no invariant sections, front-cover texts, or back-cover texts).

1.1.4  Access to the site

If you are under 13 years

You may use the Site’s service as a Visitor (non-attached) only with the permission of a parent or legal guardian.

Use of the Service as a Member (registered on the Site) is only possible with the prior and verifiable permission of a parent or legal guardian.

If you are over 13 and under 18

You may only access the Site as a Visitor with the permission of a parent.

You can only register as a Member with the prior and verifiable permission of a parent.

Invite him to read this Agreement with you.

If you are a parent or legal guardian of a child under the age of 18

You can only give permission to your child or child to protect them by carefully reading this document (Terms of Use) and the Privacy Policy and only after understanding exactly what the Service consists of.

Since you are responsible for the child, you must understand that  the Author the Processor ( and its Subprocessors  carefully although with different purposes, have access to and use the data of the person who has access to the site.

Read all the Privacy Policy of the Site and in particular "Use of Personal Data" to better understand how these data are used in the Site.

When you provide permission for a minor to use the Site, you are responsible for his or her behaviour during the visit and for his or her use of the Site features such as automatic access to Third Party Sites. These are all widely verified and maximum security Sites but the Author is not responsible for the use of the Third Party Sites visited by the minor during the session in


In the following paragraphs you will find all the instructions to provide permission to use the Site by the minor you protect.


Access to the site as a company

It is possible for owners or employees of companies to use the Site and to register by owning the Membership to the company, only by providing adequate verifiable information about your ownership to act as its legal representative. The company as a legal entity accepts the same conditions applied to the private individual and contained both in this document and in the Privacy Policy .


For information or assistance contact the Author directly at the e-mail address of the site

1.1.1 Acceptance

Please read the following Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) carefully.

For the following words : “Site", or "Website" or "EML", are intended the current websites or blog corresponding to the URL

By accessing, linking to or using this site as user, both as “Visitor” (not logged user) or “Member” (logged user)  you agree with these Terms and Conditions, in this document often shortened in "Terms".

If you do not agree to the “Terms” do not access, link to or use the functionality of this site.

It’s important that you copy this term to a file in a safe area of your computer (Electronic Copy) for read it carefully.

Terms of Use

Rules, specifications, and requirements for the use of EML Euphonic Music Lists

For any question about this page please contact us

2.1.1 What is EML

E.M.L. (Euphonic Music Lists) is a project for developing a music web guide based on an exclusive classification of popular music, selections of greatest artists, works and some basic functionality that let the user to search and connect the item listened with the the major digital media operators in the world.

This Test Version of the site was created and published to facilitate the development of the site itself and the EML Project linked to it. is a personal initiative of a purely cultural nature, not-for-profit and with the aim of promoting the dissemination of music culture through the resources present in the Internet and classifying voices in three sectors of music, art, industry and media.

In this Test Version most of the pages are not accessible or accessible with a password.


The three classification systems published in this Site are called © EML Music Taxonomies  cover the following items:

  • musical genres through an entirely human system based on authoritative sources and listening by the author (Music Taxonomy or © EMC Music Classification)

  • economic activities products and services directly or indirectly related to the music sector, therefore to its teaching, practice, registration of masters, their duplication, sale, publication , promotion of music artists and products, organization of musical events, law protection of artist and phonographic industry etc.. ( Industry Taxonomy or © ELL Euphonic LinskLists

  • media content and types of digital and traditional media;

EML has a lay-out similar to a streaming platform but no kind of copyrighted content related to the works or artists listed are reproduced or triggered by any element. During the sessions, in the searches page and generally inside, no kind of music or video player will be triggered and is not a music streaming or video sharing.

In the etst version , We are creating an audio-taxonomy, that means that we are transferring the content of the article of each entry of music taxonomy in an audio file that can be hear from the user clicking on the audio player  embedded in the rows of the table. 

In these audio file you can hear one or more track(s) as background.

These are all content shared for free, and most of all are tracks downloaded  by or similar platform, and have the aim to give a sort of explanation of the genres listed.

You can find the credits and links to the page clicking on "More" and scrolling down the pop up  window that will appear with the text of the audio recorded (the short version of the feature article).  provides you of a quick and easy platform for browsing in the music genres ,searching artists , works,  artistic overviews, educational contents and many other useful web addresses in music industry that you will easily open clicking in the EML Linklists or Artistic Overviews.

name or links in the EML pages, but has to test, verify and gives his and the collaborator's approvance for any site or name listed.

This is necessary because any description, cataloguing, attribution, or info given EML must be tested and eventually modified, also if there is an existing conventional definitions.

Obviously we will neve change the information or the general definition of any listed entries, but, for the purpose of search within and for creating the right flows of internal link directed to the a final list of useful links, we need to give priority to sme "attributes" more than others of the same artists or work or comnpanies etc.

Anyway, all the info and the almost 90 % of all the artistical definitions comes from Wikipedia or other very relable sources (see here) , and the Author's modifies of such informations are never dequalifying or giving made up or false informations. For example, if an artists is considered Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, has some parameters (see here) inaccording to whom, the Authors and his collaborator decide, for each case, the right destination in EML.

Even in that rare cases in which we change the artists' main Genre, we always keep in their visualized features all the conventional information about them.

2. The Service

2.1 General definitions

2.1.2 Technology required


To use you don't need any specific knowledge in music or in digital technologies. THe device used  don't need a particular hardware or memoies requirements because EML is a normal website. 


Author's wanted to realize a "super-easy" and neutral platform that could help the usually music websites consumer so as who search music contents for the first times to reach the best platforms, webzines, blog, websites without clicking a word but just searching inside our sections: EMC, E.L.L. and EMC Media.

2.1.3 Updated contents


The currently published version will be constantly updated thanks to the collaborator of aritsts, musicians, musicology, experts etc.. and the empty pages or sections will be filled during the next months.

These choice is due to a different reason.

The first and the most important is that the Author does not mean to copy list of name or links in the EML pages, but has to test, verify and gives his and the collaborator's approvance for any site or name listed.

This is necessary because any description, cataloguing, attribution, or info given EML must be tested and eventually modified, also if there is an existing conventional definitions.

Obviously we will neve change the information or the general definition of any listed entries, but, for the purpose of search within and for creating the right flows of internal link directed to the a final list of useful links, we need to give priority to sme "attributes" more than others of the same artists or work or comnpanies etc.

Anyway, all the info and the almost 90 % of all the artistical definitions comes from or other very relable sources (see here) , and the Author's modifies of such informations are never dequalifying or giving made up or false informations. For example, if an artists is considered Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, has some parameters (see here) inaccording to whom, the Authors and his collaborator decide, for each case, the right destination in EML.

Even in that rare cases in which we change the artists' main Genre, we always keep in their visualized features all the conventional information about them.

2.1.3 Main Purposes

The Author's purposes in realizing EML are to let its Users:

- understand the meaning of the Author's idea about music classification of popular music;

- read  for cultural purposes the contents of Music Taxonomies updated definitions , and Overviews  (Author's lists of the greatest performer artists, albums , tracks, digital media etc.); 

- understand how Overviews  are selections used by Author to represent as better as possible the structure and the layering of EMC Genres in different levels;

- find useful contents in web about music;

2.3 EMC Euphonic Music Classification

This is the section of the EMC Music Taxonomy System. This means that if you are in the subsection pages called "Levels" you can visualize the four levels (plus a multilevels index) of the music-related classification of music genres and metagenres (hierarchical sets with wider definitions and less entries) .  All the other subsections (Links, Data, Info, Video or Articles) are pages of contents indexed by this classification system.

EMC includes the same entries of one of the three artistical categories : Classification. Same distinction in four sets, same entries and links, but in this section the set are considered hierarchical layers, while in ELL are four sets at the same level (Subcategory).

WIth EMC you can have an easy index that start from the wider set: Frames, and goes down filtering with Broad Genres , Clusters all the Genres listed.  EMC create an index that is valid for itself  and for the categories : Artists and Works.



About EMC

EMC Generalities

EMC Levels

EMC Specific Features -Euphonic Linklists

Frames Features (Level 1)

Broad Genres Features (Level 2)

Music Clusters Features (Level 3)

Main Genres Features (Level 4)

2.7 Features

The Features section includes two subsections:

1) General Features (the one that contains this page): General definitions of the service. Some of them are pages attached to the Legal section (EML General Features and EMC General Features);

2) Specific Features: includes deepening of EML contents. Some pages containe detailed technical descriptions aimed to the develop of the site (eg.: EMC or ELL Specific Features). Others illustrate in detail what are the parameters and the methodology applied by the Author so far for the cataloging of genres and for the other voices of the Artistic Area (artists, albums and music tracks. The music classification part of this section is so prevalent that the section can also be called EMC Features (like the URL base of the pages)

Features is a complementary section whose pages are linked to the related pages in EMC ELL tab.

You can find three distinct kind of features:

1) User Guide : only instruction on how to use service and funtionalitie and About page.

2) EMC General Features : generalities and updated data about EMC indexed categories (Classification, Artists, Works);

3) EMC Specific Features: a list of dynamic pages listing al lthe fixed features and paramaters that have been followed from the Author (not always so strictly) to made up all the list in Artists Area.  These fatures may be changed, and represent the more specific intelelctual properties of this site. Remember: this is not a full and exhaustive database, but a sort of complex personal blog with some particular techinical  functionalities that let the user read the list of the Author and link the content to the mest music website. So if you see many very important artists or works in the list you can also send your comment here, but you have to understanda that currently (september 2021) tue Author have published a Test Version with limited contents and all the EML staff will provide as soon as possibile to fill the list.  Anyway, in according to the Terms of Use and of general approach of the Author,  this is not a site where you will find exhaustive lists of artists or works, but just a limited selection to highlight the differences between the Genres listed and their subgenres.

2.3 Specific features for EMC

All the music classification levels and their Artistical Overviews are linked to a page of specific description.

While in EMC General Features you can find generalities and updated data about the system, in the Specific Features pages you will find the definition of each levels or the way of selecting artists and works in EML.

General Features are strictly connected to the Terms Of Use and may be defined as the regulamentation and the base of copyright description.

Specific Features are made up by:

1) original contents description of what EML Author intend for that specific level or kind of artist or work;

2) Wikipedia data on artists and genres licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA) , GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) with explicit hyperlinks to the original pages;

3) (in the future) data and suggestions from professional collaborators in the sector (musicians, critics, teachers, etc.. ). This type of collaboration will be adequately publicized and distinguished from the choices of the Author and from the contents of previous point.

4) data from other sites (quotes, statistics)

Read "Features" definitions in this page

2.4 ELL Euphonic Links Lists

This is the section of the EML Industry Taxonomy System. This means that if you are in the subsection pages called "Levels" you can visualize the four levels (plus a multilevels index) of the music-related classification of economic activities, estabilshments, services and products. All the other subsections (Links, Data, Info, Video or Articles) are pages of contents indexed by this classification system.

You can use ELL (Euphonic Music Linklists) to search a link and connect to it directly from the clickable tables or you can use EMC Euphonic Music Classification exactly as in a phone book  or you can  in any list of data and related internal and external links displayed in three main sections that may be viewed as three different kind of filtering paths, but that are a lot more than these:


Each of these sections contain all the artistical entries (voices of Artistical Area: Classification Artists and Works), but only ELL include all the entries of all Areas.

For this reason ELL have to be considered the first and the simplest way to access all the contents in

It is simple a list of clickable picture that goes deep in the level of cataloguing : Areas , Categories, to Subcategories, Linklists.


About ELL

ELL Generalities

ELL Specific Features -Euphonic Linklists

ELL Specific Features -Data Access

ELL Specific Features -ELL Levels ("Area & Categories")

2.5 EMC Media

This is the section of the EMC Media Taxonomy System. This means that if you are in the subsection pages called "Levels" you can visualize the four levels (plus a multilevels index) of the music-related classification of media types, formats, services and contents. All the other subsections (Links, Data, Info, Video or Articles) are pages of contents indexed by this classification system.

This section is made up not only by specific pages placed in a specific collocation of website as the other ones, but it's made up by pages and data coming  from different levels and tools spread all over the site.


The aim of this section is to selecting the name of the current selected entries in Artistic Area and search it in third party's music websites.

This does not means that is a search engine. You cannot insert any name in the bar and search in other's websites.

But you can visualize all the artistic items (artists, genres, metagenres, works etc..) choosing the websites you prefer, from the ones listed in Digital Media subcategories.

This functionalities is only for Artistic Areas.

You can connect to home page URLs listed in other Areas of (Industry, Events, Educational, Media) but not use EMC Media as well as in Artistic Area.

Read EMC Media definitions in this page

2.6 Overviews

If you are browsing in this section you are visualizing one of the subsection called "Data". These are one for each Taxonomy System, but , (in the Test Version you can find only few lists) . These kind of data are obviously music-related lists (as artists or albums), but are also filtered by one of the classification. So you can browse the full list (for example Greatest Perfomer Artists) and then see around 800-1000 lists of same items filtered for all the entries of one of the system (for example Artists by EMC), or the sam number of list subdivided for the levels (for example Artists by Frames).

In the This section i very limited way and aimed to show to collaborators and companies involved a sample of what will be the synchronized linklists Artistic Area.


These pages are the core of Artistic Search, because here is where all the searches of artisic area (EMC, ELL) converge.

EML provides a basic Overviews for each artistical entries (Classification, Artits and Works) for let the user to refine their filters in Media Search and (or) to collect all the lower level if you are in a Classification Overview.

The Artistic Overviews should be listed in the EMC Media pages because here you can find mainly Media Action filters to select the type of Digital Media to connect to. But Artistic Overviews are too much and have too much different functionalities to embedd them in just one section.

They are the natural ending of the EMC Search because they visualize an overviews of links for each artistical entries,  but can't be inserted in EMC because you can reach them from any sections.

They are not even an exclusive part of ELL because the natural ending of ELL search is an home page of an external websites.

For Artistical Entries, in ELL,  we have this kind functionality substitutes by the connection to the Wikipedia page for each artists, works, genres or metagenres in EML.

Both the connection, to Wikipedia page or to EML Overviews are considered the natural ending of the ELL link flow.

Read EML Overvies definitions in this page.

2.2 Sections of Contents

1) EMC Euphonic Music Classification (Main Sections): a taxonomic system that catalogues the major genres of popular music with the aim of facilitating the understanding of their birth and belonging to larger groups or cultural movements, to facilitate the search in EML and to create an index with which to catalog and synchronize the entries of the Artistic Area of the ELL section in the precompiled pages of the Overviews section.

2) E.L.L. Euphonic Links Lists (Main Sections) :  the data section containing links to the Overviews of the entire Artistic Area , to digital and traditional media ( Area Media ) , to the pages listed in the other Areas and the external pages that will be proposed by the Author over time as of great interest for the understanding of the proposed musical classification and more generally of the topics listed. EML contains some lists of professionals but the site was created for private users, artists and music lovers even beginners. The selection of services is not made with regard to any commercial agreement but based on the relationship with the arguments proposed and the amount of users and items proposed by the services themselves.

3) EMC Media (Main Sections) : six pages in which are classified and listed a selection of the world leading digital media for consumption and information about music. These pages provides links to the home pages and filter options created for distinguish the main purpose and contents of such services. EMC Media intended as part of the back-end and front-end JS code in EML, refers to all that functionalities that synchronize entries from ELL and EMC to create automatic or pre-compiled external links to the home pages of all the media listed or to specific pages of those media services whose owners have autorized such links.

4) Overviews :the results of data and functionalities of the Main Sections that automatically generate around 5000 linklists by filtering the list of "Frames", "Broad Genres", "Clusters", "Genres", "Greatest Artists", "Greatest Albums", "Greatest Tracks", "Digital Media Services" with the EMC Levels. Example: if the list of around 1000 Genres and the around 100 Music Clusters are filtered by the Broad Genres the results are thirty one "Broad Genres Levels"; if the list of Greatest Artists is filtered by the Broad Genres, the results are the thirty-one linklists "Artists by Broad Genres"


5) Features : a descriptive section providing deepening about each parts of the site. Artistic Areas and EMC System have been created and will be updated according to the articles and parameters included in this session and to the eventual modifications notified in the future.

6) User Guide: articles and videos about EML and how to use EML GUI ;

4) Legal Pages: all the legal contents as Terms of Use or Privacy Policy or these General Features. 

Legal Hub is a page where the main legal contents are displayed as tables with rows linked directly to the relevant chapters in the various pages.

3.1.1 Definition of "contents "

The term "contents" in this document could mean one of the following elements: 

- all the data included in database connected to the Pages;

- all the text written and visualized in the Pages;

- all the graphic elements created by the Authors

- all the vector images and pictures visualized in the Pages;

- all the video that can be played inside the page via Wix elements as Video Player Multi Video Player and Gallery

- all the abstract elements intended as intellectual content (theory, anlysis, review, articles. taxonomies system etc..)

- the logical connection between internal pages , internal pages and external links, linking elements that connect a page with another internal page, sections, part of the Website etc..

- the logical connection and sequence of intellectual and phisical elements to other intellectual and phisical elements (as the four level classification, the related lay out, the meaning of the levels, the connection between EMC and Artist and Works Selection, the EMC Media Service tha links the EMC Contents to external links etc..) ;

- the description of the intellectual contents : EMC Features Pages, all the related banner

- the description of the Websites services : User Guide, About EML, al the related banner,

- the EMC Euphonic Music Classification System intened as :

    1- the idea of Author about music genres expressed by a hierarchical four levels taxonomy system of  

       classification of popular music described, visualized and used in in the pages of section Classification;

    2 - the almost daily updated lists of the more representetive artists for each Genres : Greatest Artists ;     

    3 -  the almost daily updated lists of the more representetive works for each Genres : Greatest Works ; 

    4 - the deep descriptions of the EMC Classification , the selection parameters etc..

e Media that have allowed    

          the deep links to the Author;

3. Copyright Policy

3.1 Contents

3.1.2 The EML service

As EML Service we mean the bundle of legal rights which the Author own in relation to his creative work  and includes:  intellectual properties, license, authorizations, and processes developed exclusively for the website EML and in more in general , for the EML  Project that in the future might include other similar or different cultural initiatives.


These set of rights could involve third parties proportionally to their eventual commitment in the developing of the existing website as:  the technical empowerement, graphical elements, marketing  promotion, artistical contribution etc.. but only if these contribution will substantially modify the idea and the Service as thought by the Author.

All the other cases of contribution to EML Service will be legally and economically considered in the way they will take form , for example donation, free contribution, saltuary external collaboration in exchange of a fee, continuous collaboration with professionals, partnership, external funders for the development of a MVP version of the site etc..

In any case only the the copyright owner, the Author:  Paolo Busellato, can permit or refuse permission to other people's use or  EML Service.

The EML Service include:

  1. the whole structure of website 

  2. the semantical connection of digital content as web pages, code, layout , text etc..that create EML;

  3.  the original intellectual  contents as article, lists, database, and  in particular the three music-related taxonomy system created by the Author as in the following lines;

  4. EMC ( ©Euphonic Music Classification) a music taxonomy system classyfing music genres and metagenres;

  5. E.L.L (© Euphonic Links Lists) an industry  taxonomy system classyfing music-related economic activities or estabilshments, products and services;

  6. © EMC Media  classyfying music-related media content on the basis of media types, formats and services;

  7. the permissions, licences, commercial right, on images, videos, text , purchased by the author in his own name and used on the Website;

  8. the web hosting domain;

  9. the yearly permission of use the Wix Premium Service for creating EML  with the Editor X Platform

  10. all the related service of analysis, improvement, development of a Javascript-based code using Velo's API, the eMail service, SEO analysis and development, and all the services related to the domain  that Authors bought or have been granted from by a payment of yearly fees;

  11. all the intellectual contents that could be eventually developed by the Author's collaborators as: legal, commercial , musical, artistical advisors, organizations, music schools, universities,  artists, comiteee, and everyone who have  sold , granted or donate to the Authors during the phase of creation and in the period following the first publication of the Website (the two kind of collaborations and each of them have different role and commercial relations with the Author that will grant to the collaborators different form of payments) are considered fully part of Author Copyright, or authors’ right, is a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have in their literary, artistic and scientific works.

  12. EMC Media Service : see the next chapter;

All the contents so as just described form an unique Author's intellectual proprerties, so as described  by Wipo in What is intellectual property?  Chapter "Copyright and related rights" and are considered all Author's 2021 Copyright  properties in accordance of the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT).

3.1.3 EMC Media Functionalities

For EMC Media Service is intended the: 


  1.   the back-end and front-end code that allows the functionalities of automated internal and external linking in EML synchronized with the EML Taxonomies System , particularly with EMC (Music Taxonomy);

  2.  the disclaimer granted by web operators listed in Media for deep links to their internal page to the Author for let EMC Media be fully authorized;     

  3. the repeaters elements that visualize the list of Media syncronized and linked to the Media that have allowed the deep links to the Author;

3.1.4 Contens in Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA) and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL)

The "Site" mainly uses data, information and images of free use , which the "Owner" has accessed and uses in EML under the dual license Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA) and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) . These data are obtained mainly from the following sources:

Wikipedia .

Wikimedia Commons _



Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. Wikidata acts as central storage for the structured data of its Wikimedia sister projects including Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Wiktionary, Wikisource, and others. Wikidata also provides support to many other sites and services beyond just Wikimedia projects! The content of Wikidata is available under a free license, exported using standard formats, and can be interlinked to other open data sets on the linked data web.La maggior parte dei contenuti di testo e di molti file di immagini  sono  dual-licensed sotto la Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA) e la GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) (unversioned, with no invariant sections, front-cover texts, or back-cover texts).


Some images come from sites that provide free use images such as or Pexels. Com

Some images have been purchased by the "Owner" from through the same Wix platform.

3.1.5 Protection of Autor's intellectual properties


The legal , in agreement with the Agency and the Author will have a fundamental role in the choice of the functionalities of the EML service and the protection of the Author's intellectual content in particular for what concern:

  1. the User's privacy data flow and management;

  2. the three taxonomies systems: EMC , E.L.L. and EMC Media;

  3. Greatest Performer Artists , a selection that in the Test Version or in the MVP will include a sample of around 4-5000 artists (number not determined and continuously updated) among the most representative of each genre classified in EMC;

  4. Greatest Albums:  a selection of an unspecified number of the most representative albums , ate least one for each artist listed in G.P. Artists;

  5.  Greatest Tracks:  a selection of an unspecified number of the most representative track for each genres;

  6. the self-generating or precompiled external links service (EMC Media Service) that search items from EMC (e.g the term Hard Rock") or from one of the three selection above described (eg the term "Led Zeppelin") in the  search page of the same esternal services, for example within a streaming site or within music review sites, database, on line music store etc.



You must also provide information regarding compliance with European Privacy, Copyright, and links to internal pages of third-party sites (external deep links), the selection of artists and works, verify/suggest methods of communication and relations with third-party site owners, release of releases for the functionality of the site, any specific agreements with record companies, web companies, public bodies, organization for the protection of copyright.. (If necessary)

Rispetto della normativa sulle fonti

The website: has a limited amount of its own content because its service is essentially based on the redirection and coordination of external pages with the exclusive music classification of the site.

The site includes data and images that have holders that do not coincide with the author.

In EML, sources have been selected and divided into three different source categories for images and data in general:

1)         Wikipedia data on artists and genres licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA) and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) (see Content chapter), freely usable for commercial purposes, provided that there is adequate advertising of the kind of source and the link to the original page;

2)  data and suggestions from professional collaborators in the sector (musicians, critics, teachers, etc.. )if this type of source is used, this type of collaboration must be adequately publicized and distinguished from the choices of the author

3)  data from other sites (quotes, statistics)

4)  free-to-use images (CC-BY-SA)

5)  images of which lyncence was purchased for use (from Shutterstock, internal functionality to the Wix-invoices site available)

6)  images granted exclusively by third party authors;

7)  images and videos owned by the author (eg promotional videos)

8) data holders/ information under the Creative Commons License.


Intellectual Property

You acknowledge that the “Site”, (  including, without limitation, any and all content available on or through it ( “Site Content”), is the property of the Author and is protected by copyrights, (patents, trademarks, service marks)?  international treaties and/or other proprietary or intellectual property rights and laws of Italy , EU and other countries.

You agree to respect all copyright and other applicable laws, and you may not copy,  modify, distribute, transmit, display, publish, sell, license, create derivative works or otherwise use Site Content that does not originate from a Creative Commons source.

In any case, although it is possible to copy and reuse such contents without limit, being that such contents have not been copied and pasted on the site by the author, but are the result of a careful analysis (listening, consulting with collaborators, research etc..) as a whole, artist data and information cannot be copied en bloc and reused in is an integral part of the creative and intellectual process of the Author, who has kept all date data unchanged, origins, type of performers of musicians, but has sometimes also substantially modified, the opinion expressed by the sources lighthouses regarding the placement in genres and subgenres of such artists and musicians,.

It may not therefore reproduce, use, copy,  distribute, transmit, display, publish, sell, license, create works derived from the musical classification called EMC Euphonic Music Classification, displayed on the different pages and collected virtually in a section of the site called "Classification".


All future rights relating to the Site Content, including, without limitation, basic technology and software, and all patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, know-howhow and other proprietary rights of any kind under the laws of any governmental, national or foreign authority, including the rights to and for all applications and registrations related to the foregoing (collectively, the "Intellectual Property Rights") must, as between you and EML, at all times be and remain the exclusive and exclusive property of the Author.

5. Use of EML

5.1 Restrictions.

You agree not to use, distribute, transfer any Site Content in any way that can compete with the activity of EML or one of its licensors.

You agree not to move , edit,, add to, delete or otherwise tamper with the Site Content in any way.

You also agree not to copy, disclose, publish, distribute, reproduce, publish, display, transmit, perform, create derivative works of, decompile, decode, disassemble, link or illegally use or reproduce any content on the site without the prior written consent of EML.

 You agree to use this Site and the Site Content solely for non-commercial use and benefit. In addition, you agree not to use this Site for any illegal purposes or in any way incompatible with the Terms.

5.2 No Warranties.

The site content is provided “as is” without warranties or representations of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement and freedom from computer viruses. EML periodically adds, changes, improves or updates the site content without notice. EML hereby disclaims all liability for any errors or omissions in the site content. You are solely responsible for, and assume all risks associated with, your access, link to and use of this site and the site content. EML assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, improper delivery, or failure to store any user communications or personalization setting.

5.3 Limitation of liability

Under no circumstances shall EML be liable for any damages suffered by you or any third party, including, without limitation, any direct or indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including, without limitation, any reputational damages, any lost profits, damages for business interruption, or loss of information, programs or other data) that result from access to, link to, use of or inability to use this site or due to any breach of security associated with the transmission of information through the internet, regardless of the theory of liability and even if foreseeable or even if EML was advised of the possibility of such damages.


5.4 Privacy

Protecting the privacy of our clients and users of our sites is important to EML. The EML Web Site Privacy Statement describes how we use and protect information you provide to us on our Site.

5.5 Security

The security of information transmitted through the Internet can never be guaranteed. EML hereby disclaims all liability for any interception or interruption of any communications through the Internet or for changes to or losses of data. You are responsible for maintaining the security of any password, user ID, or other form of authentication involved in obtaining access to password protected or secure areas of EML sites. In order to protect you and your data, EML may suspend your use of a client site, without notice, pending an investigation, if any breach of security is suspected.

Transmission of Personal Data.

You acknowledge and agree that by providing EML with any personal information through this Site, you consent to the transmission of such personal user information over international borders as necessary for processing in accordance with EML's standard business practices and the EML Web Site Privacy Statement.

Access To Password Protected/Secure Areas.

Access to and use of password protected and/or secure areas of this Site are restricted to authorized users only. Unauthorized access to such areas is prohibited and may lead to criminal prosecution.

Procedure For Making Claims Of Intellectual Property Infringement. Notices of claimed copyright, trademark, patent or trade secret infringement on this Site should be directed to: EML _____________________________________.

5.6 Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold EML and its officers, directors, agents and employees harmless, at your own expense, from any and all claims, demands, losses, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees), arising out of or in connection with your access, link to or use of this Site.


5.7 Termination

EML reserves the right to terminate your access to the Site or account for any reason, including without limitation, violation of applicable laws or breach of these Terms. You agree that any termination of your account may be effected without prior notice. You further acknowledge that EML will not be liable to you for any termination of your access to or use of the Site.


5.8 Severability

If any provision of these Terms is held to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, then such provision shall be severable without affecting the enforceability of all remaining provisions. EML reserves the right to alter or delete the Site Content at any time at its discretion.

Jurisdiction/Governing Law.

These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the state Italy , and applicable federal laws without regard to conflicts of law principles. You agree that any and all proceedings relating to this Site and the subject matter contained herein shall be maintained in the courts of the state of Italy or the district courts sitting in Genova, which courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction for such purpose.


©Euphonic Music List (the website is a project for a nonprofit cultural web-media service aimed at creating a classification of popular music, promoting music contents and selecting artists, albums and tracks of popular music rom all over the world.

The website is entirely created, updated and promoted by the Author alone  without commercial purposes, as a personal cultural initiative, and expresses his artistic point of view about the relationships between genres, works and artists listed in the Site and represent the results of personal activity and research in music industry as following.


The Site ©Euphonic Music List is created, developed and operated by Paolo Busellato an Italian author registered with the Italian Tax Authorities under the code BSLPLA74P30D969Q .

This Test Version of the site was created and published to facilitate the development of the site itself and the EML Project linked to it. is a personal initiative of a purely cultural nature, not-for-profit and with the aim of promoting the dissemination of music culture through the resources present in the Internet and classifying voices in three sectors of music, art, industryand media.


In this Test Version most of the pages are not accessible or accessible with a password.


The three classification systems published in this Site are called © EML Music Taxonomies  cover the following items:

  • musical genres through an entirely human system based on authoritative sources and listening by the author (Music Taxonomy or © EMC Music Classification)

  • economic activities products and services directly or indirectly related to the music sector, therefore to its teaching, practice, registration of masters, their duplication, sale, publication , promotion of music artists and products, organization of musical events, law protection of artist and phonographic industry etc.. ( Industry Taxonomy or © ELL Euphonic LinskLists

  • media content and types of digital and traditional media;

Copyright Disclaimer

All the data and images are collected under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. Their  allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

The most of data in Artistic Area are obtained from Wikipedia under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA) and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).  Where missing we have choice other authoritative sources.

In case of mistaken or missing data please contact the author directly at this e-mail.

All the lists are freely accessible but it is forbidden to copy or reproduce the content of the pages even partially or to use the Site contents without the Author's permission. You can save lists of artistical items and related links in My Links only if you have an EML Account.

Technology Disclaimer

The term "music classification system" refers only to the music taxonomy system developed by the Author on the basis of personal listening to artistic repertoires and researches and NOT to software or other technologies of detection and automatic sound identification also called automatic music classification, automatic recognition of genres , automatic content recognition or audio retrieval in computer science.


Search of genres ad artists in EML is based only on pre-filled terms or user's input of text.

EML is not a audio search engine and do not use any searching algorithm to compare sample frequency, bit rate, type of file, length, duration, or coding type.

In EML is impossible download any resulting files and does not collect audio files as well.

EMC System do not use content-based image retrieval (CBIR).or any kind of audio search from audio,

Linking Policy

EMC Media is a section of EML made of pages and tools spread all over the Site. Its functionalities leads the users'browser to third party's digital services, for example clicking on the lists.

EMC Media functionalities in EML have not to be intended as a form of advertising. EML redirects their visitors to home pages or official channels or to internal links of music related websites to comply with the EML Project mission statement of creating a free music web guide, and a technical blog where artists, students, operators of music industry or simple music lovers may find useful links.

It's a way to help EML users to visualize , listen or buy legally albums or tracks listed in the category Works,  to collect informations about the item listed in Classifcation or Artists or have access to useful hubs and websites as in Music Industry and Educational Area through a system of synchronization between Author's personal research and some of the world greatest digital media.

The Author does not promote artists, does not review the artistic contents of the Artistic Area and does not receive any fees from the artists included in the lists.

Read more in Linking Policy

The Author has not commercial relations with any of companies listed in the other Areas and does not express judgments or classifications regarding their services or products.

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