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Classic, Ethnic and Contemporary Jazz marking the three main density and degrees of Jazz genres and styles.


Jazz is born in the African American community in the beginning of the last century, but has been part of all the culture in the world since decades. Experimental music and Avant-Garde owe lot of their existence to a British man, John Cage, who pioneered the use of weird and traditional instruments to create a multifaceted and extravagant form of music totally aimed to a very high-cultured audience.

A wide range of music characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation, group interaction, developing an 'individual voice', and being open to different musical possibilities.

Classic, Ethno, Mixed Genres and Contemporary Jazz. Also if Jazz are widely considered a genre of African American Music the huge density of its genres and the amount of styles it incorporates lead to create a set to itself.

Artists listed here have had the most part of careers from 1940s to current days..

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