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Contemporary Art Music

Contemporary Classical, Avant-garde and Experimental Music defining the boundaries between Popular and Classical Music.


The Frame "Contemporary Art Music" includes three macro genres with dissimilar features but all representing high-value composer musicians and composers that combine the more ancient traditions with the more extreme innovations, placing music discipline or, at the contrary, a compositional anarchy as their pivotal values.

The genres of this frame are probably aimed at an audience with a high musical culture, ready to accept sonic oddities and receive intellectual stimuli from listening.

The three Broad Genres of the Frame Contemporary Art Music in EML are:

Contemporary classical music.

Experimental music.

Avant-garde music.

Contemporary classical music is Western art music composed close to the present day. At the beginning of the 21st century, it commonly referred to the post-1945 modern forms of post-tonal music after the death of Anton Webern, and included serial music, electronic music, experimental music, and minimalist music. Newer forms of music include spectral music, and post-minimalism

Experimental music is a general label for any music or music genre that pushes existing boundaries and genre definitions.

 Experimental compositional practice is defined broadly by exploratory sensibilities radically opposed to, and questioning of, institutionalized compositional, performing, and aesthetic conventions in music.

Elements of experimental music include indeterminacy, in which the composer introduces the elements of chance or unpredictability with regard to either the composition or its performance. Artists may approach a hybrid of disparate styles or incorporate unorthodox and unique elements.

Avant-garde music encompass genres that are considered to be at the forefront of innovation in its field, with the term "avant-garde" implying a critique of existing aesthetic conventions, rejection of the status quo in favour of unique or original elements, and the idea of deliberately challenging or alienating audiences.

Avant-garde music may be distinguished from experimental music by the way it adopts an extreme position within a certain tradition, whereas experimental music lies outside tradition.

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