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EML Taxonomies System

Discover the Test Versions of three synchronized classifications of music genres, economic activities and media contents

A music taxonomy refers to a systematic classification or categorization of music based on various criteria. It is a way to organize and understand the diverse range of musical genres, styles, and subgenres that exist. Taxonomies help musicologists, researchers, and music enthusiasts to analyse, compare, and discuss different types of music more effectively.For example, a taxonomy could start with broad categories like "Classical Music," "Popular Music," and "Folk Music," and then further divide each category into subgenres such as "Baroque," "Jazz," or "Country."

These subgenres can then be further divided into more specific styles or variations. EMC, Euphonic Music Classification has four levels that emphasize the sound features, the geographical context, the languages used, the cultural roots, the periods, the inspirational paths (from generation to generation) etc

You can choose from what level start from:

  • Level 1 Frames to have few terms and a wide selection of genres,

  • Level 2 Broad Genres if you want to read around thirty standard definitions of genres (e.g. Hip Hop, Rock,Metal, Folk etc..) ,

  • Level 4 Clusters if you know what to choose between over 100 styles or variations;

  • Level 4 Genres if you really know what you are looking for in over 1000 genres published as sample of the test version.

Classification of music genres and meta-genres created on the basis of his system has been adapted selecting only music industry-related terms.

Even if there isn't a universally accepted standard music taxonomy, as music categorization can vary depending on different perspectives, cultural contexts, and research purposes, there are a few commonly used taxonomies or genre classification systems that have gained widespread recognition and are often referenced in music-related discussions.  

However, there are several widely recognized and commonly used taxonomies in the field of music.

To build up the first version of EMC the Author has used as basis of sources the classification listed in this EML Wiki article, the Wikipedia open source database, essay , print encyclopedia, articles, documentary, academic papers, interviews of artists and musicologists, articles of magazines, webzines, newspapers etc..

Official collaboration with third parties or external volunteers will improve this version as soon as possible.

This system are semantically build up on non exhaustive classifications of two basic units:  the L4 Music Genres (or Main Genres) , and the L3 groups of Genres called Music Clusters, identifying paths of style, language, inspiration, periods, technical equipments used, regional scenes etc..  The elements included in the two basic levels L3 and L4 are usually called genre. For example Alternative Rock or Western Folk Music.

In EML a Music Cluster and a Music Frame should be considered containers of genres and styles, more than genres itself.

The terms used to represent Genres and Broad Genres are in almost all the cases standard and so are their features.

The methods to name a container are less strict than in a  standard sets.

Te same method should be applied to the higher levels: L2 Broad Genres, and the widest sets: L1 Music Frames.

Also between these two groups stand the same relationship that stand between the L4 and L3, where, the first one, L2 Broad Genre are widely well-knew terms used often as genres (as Hip Hop, Rock, Rythm and Blues, Country). The first level, Music Frames are also widely accepted terms (except for Rock Frames) as Pop Music, African American Music, Folk and Country, R'nB and Soul , Dance Music etc..But they are absolutely intended as wide cultural movements, that span far over their music-related definitions. L2 and L3 has the same children-parent relationship of the other levels, and can be considered the most practical steps to get to the list of genres. For example, who have a quite knowledge of music, can use the list of broad genres as starting point, select and save one fro the next search (see how save a Default Broad Genre in this article) and select the quite few Clusters that we list for each Broad Genre (in average 3-6 except for International Pop). 

For example L2 Rock has only four well defined Clusters: Classic Rock, Alternative Rock, Space Rock (not the genre) and International Rock.

if you are evaluating EML for collaborations or to release authorizations, this particular URL path is suggested because is the only one filled with enough related content to represent a valid sample.

EMC is by far the more relevant classification in EML because on its entries and levels are build up lists and series of lists of Artistic Overviews (the core of our level-based  content ) and in the final version of EML it will generate other non artistic results combining the industry and the media taxonomy and their related data. 

Related Articles

 Music Taxonomy

Classification of standard and new music genres collected in four levels usually described as "umbrella" or "super-genres".

Music Taxonomy

Classification of music genres in four hierarchical levels: from cultural roots to the boundaries of sound rules.

Industry Taxonomy

Classification of music industry-related economic activities, products and organizations in four hierarchical levels.

Media Taxonomy

Classification of music industry-related media services and contents in four hierarchical levels.

Sytems indexes : all the entries in one page

The Multi-levels Indexes are probably the easiest way to access all the entries of EML Music Taxonomies.

In these three pages you can visualize all the entry of each system (from 1 to 4)  remaining in the same page and using an exclusive cascade filter option that allows you to isolate the subgenres of an entry clicking on a button in the row.

Find out how easy it is to search in the classification of music genres, types of activities /products , media content and services with just a few clicks and an absolutely instinctive and visual approach.

See how

Media Taxonomy

Classification of medium used to produce, transmit and receive music-related content with the content themselves as basic units

The EMC Media Taxonomy is a classification of music-related media content, services and formats.

For example,this system includes : music media contents (intended as support) as type of records, entertainment products, video-clips, music books, sheet music, and the services or activities that provides this types of content.

Currently there is no international standard systems [1] that classify specifically elements of the so-called Content Industry [2] [3] [4]

The meaning of this term is so vast and so quickly updated in its elements by progress of the digital technologies that probably should need more than a one versions per year. Plus, most of the items span in more than one category or class and a standard classification would have too much ambiguity to be considered valid and unambiguous.

As the other systems E.L.L. has  four hierarchical sets.

You can start using the Media Taxonomy Levels starting from:

  • Level 1 Media Types five main types of media whose use is limited to music industry (Sound Recording, Digital Media, Print Media, Broadcast Media, and Edutainment)

  • Level 2 Media Formats  around 30-50 sublevels of the five main types of music media types, and the most standard and well-knewn terms as streaming platform, broadcast television services, recording studio etc..;

  • Level 4 Media Activities the different types of economic activities that are originated by the Level 2 Formats (eg. from L2 Streaming platform to  >> L3 On Line Music Streaming Service, or On Line Video Streaming, Music Streaming Companies etc..;

  • Level 4 Media Contents the main content of the services included in the Level 3 Media Activities (e.g from L3 -On Line Music Streaming Service to >>> Audio streaming, Video Streaming, Podcast etc..

The case of EMC Media classification is quite different because, as the other systems, is a music-related taxonomy. Thus the the elements, even if have more than one purpose, are classified for the most relevant to the actions as producing or duplicating record masters, listening to music, get informations [5] classified as "music-related", learning music discipline, practice with musical instrument.etc..

As the other systems E.L.L. has  four hierarchical sets:  five L1 Types of media , around fifty F2 Formats, around one hundred L3 Level "Media Activities" (extract from E.L.L. industry classification) and a not specified number of L4 Media Content (in Test Version around six hundred).

[1] OECD iLibrary -Defining and measuring cultural and creative sectors.

[2] Definitions of Media Industry in Statista.

[3] OECD iLibrary - Employment and business statistics of cultural and creative employment.

[4] Wikipedia- Content industry.

[5] Wikipedia - Information industry.

Industry Taxonomy

A not official classification of music-related economic activities and products for personal use, aimed to refine web searches

The ELL (Euphonic Links Lists) or EML Industry Taxonomy is a classification of music-related economic activities and products.

ELL is limited to certain classes that are related to the processes of music production, distribution, transmission and consumption.

Even if inspired by the structures of major international standard systems as ISIC (UN) NACE (EU) or NAICS (US/CAN/MEX),  ELL:

  • has been adapted selecting only music industry-related terms.

  • is not an official classification so you can use this lists just for personal use.

  • does not classify only classes of activities (as NACE)  or business establishments (as NAICS)  but also products, other classifications, and useful terms;

For example this system includes performer artists (activity), media services (activity), musical instruments (product),  musical instruments wholesaler or retailers (activities), professional audio equipments (products) , consumer electronics , music software etc..

As the other systems E.L.L. has  four hierarchical sets.

You can start from:

  • Level 1 Areas to choose the industry division of the term you are searching for (e.g. Artistic Area, Music Industry or Events)

  • Level 2 Categories around a dozen of definitions widely corresponding to the  (e.g. Hip Hop, Rock,Metal, Folk etc..) ,

  • Level 4 Clusters if you know what to choose between over 100 styles or variations;

  • Level 4 Genres if you really know what you are looking for in over 1000 genres published as sample of the test version.


Taxonomies Entries page: the core of our system

The pages Taxonomies Entries are the core of our project. Once arrived here, you can navigate toward all the directions of our systems, search for entry-related content in internal database (Overviews and Features), find data and info in external services, go up in the hierarchy using the breadcrumbs tabs or the Dpad, go own in the hierarchy choosing one of the sublevels visualized in the page list, see the current path of parent-children of the classification in the sidebar, filtering this path using the update button etc.. You can learn how to use Taxonomies Entries reading this Info article or watching the video below.

Search the same entry in hundreds of media in few seconds

Example - Search for a music instrument (info or buy)

Start from Industry Taxonomy , click on the (L1) Area Music Instruments and go down in the level 2. You will find two Categories:

The first one is, as the name says, a classification embedded in the major one.

When you are in the category page Musical Instruments Classification , you can select one of  the currently eight Subcategories visualized. : Traditional Musical Instruments , Percussion Instruments, Wind Instruments, Keyboard Instruments etc..

If you choose  Percussion Instruments,  the subcategory page will show you items that are included in the Level 4 Activities even if not all are actually types of activities but products or other general topic.

For example , in Subcategory Percussion Instruments,  you can find N° 48 L4 Activities, (entries) as : 

About EML Taxonomies System

  • The EML Taxonomies Systems are synchronized classification  made up by three exclusive  hierarchical taxonomies of:

    1. music genres (EMC)

    2. music-related economic activities and products (ELL)

    3. media contents (EMC Media).

    A hierarchical taxonomies organizes concepts or entities into a hierarchical structure based on their relationships and levels of abstraction. Each level is more specific than the level above it and include more entries. The wider groups are less in number and let the users to have few choices.

    If you already know what elements you are searching for, in what system search it or if you want to browse in the entries with a page filtered on a level by default use the Taxonomies Data pages as Broad Genres Data or the index .

    If you are searching for a Level-based  Overviews (e.g Artists by Broad Genre) click on the Overviews Search But on the right of the secondary menu topen a pop-up window that filters over 5000 lists.

    Otherwise, try to search in the main bar in the header. It leads to a page with all the results in EML.

    Read more about Search in EML.

  • Our EML Taxonomies system consists of three separate and independent taxonomic systems, EMC (music genres) , ELL (music-related economic activities and products) and EMC Media (media contents, services and formats) with functionalities for access, filtering, external linking and access to related internal content (info, features, overviews).  Each of the systems is also provided with lists and  functionalities that synchronize and combine automatically terms and internal data from the other ones, to generate lists ( (e.g Blues Rock Artists is generated from ELL Level 3 Subcategory  "Performer artists" + EMC Level 3,"Broad Genres") and automated external-links searching the selected term in selected search pages of third party media services (e.g. Blues Rock searched in Wikipedia and other online encyclopedia)

    One of the features of EML is to allow a quick and easy visualizations of all the entries and related data, with basically three methods of access:

    1. by Entries

    2. by Levels

    3. by Data

    4. by Articles

    These accesses represents the major categories of contents provided by EML .

    You can browse within these pages using:

    • firstly the horizontal menu (the black one)

    • once in a level-base page of content, the  Tab Data, is a list of button under the title in the all the page of data (Section Pages).

    All these accesses and the further data are level-based and linked to each other. This means that you can access wherever you want, then choosing a level you will visualize all the data related to the picked level and you will be able to pass from a level to another, from a level of a system to the same of another one, with practical tools a D-PAD or the page Data.

  • Our EML Taxonomies system consists of three separate and independent taxonomic systems, EMC (music genres) , ELL (music-related economic activities and products) and EMC Media (media contents, services and formats) with functionalities for access, filtering, external linking and access to related internal content (info, features, overviews).  Each of the systems is also provided with lists and  functionalities that synchronize and combine automatically terms and internal data from the other ones, to generate lists ( (e.g Blues Rock Artists is generated from ELL Level 3 Subcategory  "Performer artists" + EMC Level 3,"Broad Genres") and automated external-links searching the selected term in selected search pages of third party media services (e.g. Blues Rock searched in Wikipedia and other online encyclopedia)

    One of the features of EML is to allow a quick and easy visualizations of all the entries and related data, with basically three methods of access:

    1. by Entries

    2. by Levels

    3. by Data

    4. by Articles

    These accesses represents the major categories of contents provided by EML .

    You can browse within these pages using:

    • firstly the horizontal menu (the black one)

    • once in a level-base page of content, the  Tab Data, is a list of button under the title in the all the page of data (Section Pages).

    All these accesses and the further data are level-based and linked to each other. This means that you can access wherever you want, then choosing a level you will visualize all the data related to the picked level and you will be able to pass from a level to another, from a level of a system to the same of another one, with practical tools a D-PAD or the page Data.

    Entries Index

    You can access the complete list of entries of all systems, through the home page of the collection "/taxonomies".

    On this page, which is the parent page of the entire true section to pure taxonomy (See Main Sections) you can filter systems and layers without having to change pages, but you won’t have the convenience of having URLs with pre-filtered levels or other access related to the levels as in the next type of access.


    Levels Index

    These pages are part of the data previews divided into Sections.

    In EML in fact you can find a page called for example "Overviews Index" and a page of the Section "Overviews".

    In the first you will find a complete index of sub-indexes, for example lists of Overviews filtered by EMC, Whole lists etc..

    While in the second , the Overviews section, you will find a preview of everything important you can find in the section.

    Why this distinction? Because unlike large databases with data and filters managed by internal taxonomies, or those that expose taxonomies as content, our task involves a not large number of data compared to databases, but three different systems with different types of voices and therefore modes of access and filters, suits managed by a single internal taxonomy (which manages the Information Architecture). This can complicate things in navigation.

    So we have created these pages where you can have an overview and then a link to everything that is pure taxonomy (definitions, terminologies in hierarchical order) and the associated data (overviews, lists, articles etc.) finding a kind of home page for each level , from level 1 to 4, plus a level 0 that includes the systems as a whole and all the data generated by them.

    Data Index
    Data pages include only lists. Lists of taxonomic entries linked to own overviews, links lists, lists of data indexes, lists of lists of overviews filtered by systems or levels etc.. In practice from here you can access, directly on the default page, the taxonomies.
    With tabs linked to pre-filtered overviews on that layer or level 0.

    To summarize the difference between the three main types of ignition :
    The index of entries is an access for those who want all the systems in a single page and then knows what to look for or wants to have a clear and quick image of what all levels contain.
    The Level Index makes it easy to access entries by creating a page for each of the three systems (N 3) and one for all the levels (4 levels x 3 levels = 12 pages of level) for a total of 15 pages of preview.
    The index by data is a kind of advanced search of pages with only data (Data, Links and Overviews) in which the same number of pages as the previous one are created, but with content of only data and indexes with advanced filters.

  • Features

    a) all the systems and their integration have a a hierarchical structure and follow a tree-like format, where each level represents a different degree of specificity or generality;

    b) the highest level is the one with the lower number (L1);

    c) the top level of the hierarchy represents the most general category, while subsequent levels introduce increasing levels of detail and specialization;

    d) EML Taxonomies provide a structured and organized way to categorize and understand complex systems as music genres, economic activities and media contents;

    e) the  hierarchical relationships allow for efficient classification, navigation, and information retrieval. Users can drill down into more specific categories or broaden their search by exploring higher-level concepts;

    f) it helps in organizing large amounts of information, creating intuitive navigation systems, and facilitating effective searching and filtering of data based on hierarchical relationships;

Unleash the power of Taxo

Taxo's taste for music is out of doubt. His top artists are Snoop Doggy Dog, Dog Eat Dog, Dr Dog and the post-punk influenced indie-rockband Dogs. 

But he also loves to sniff out exact terms that allow you to search : music genres, type of activities and products of music industry and other media services.

You can give to Taxo a term to be searched almost randomly in all the website (bar at the left) or search a specific term in our Taxonomy Systems (bar on the right).

Those bar are just examples but you can find the same functions using the bar in the header or the selector in home page. See in this article how.

EML Taxonomies

Our taxonomy system makes it easy for you to effectively organize your web search with just a few clicks.

Whether you're working on a small or large scale, our user-friendly interface will simplify your workflow and help you stay on top of everything.

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