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Paolo Busellato
Private life

Paolo Busellato live in Italy and has worked in music and entertainment industry in Italy since 1995 as assistant to events managers, concert logistic, venue manager  and with other roles as planning and organizing live shows, TV shows,  street shows .

He has declared to be fundamentally a "music lover" that wants to serve artists, producers and spread the music culture as art and job opportunity.

Paolo Busellato , alias Paul has created this first "test version" of this platform, Euphonc Music List  for search music contents in web. 

His idea of creating EMC a four levels of classification of popular music arose from the need to deconstruct broad cultural movements (as African American Music or Pop Music) and reorganize them into increasingly reduced and coherent sets.

Paolo Busellato lives is aimed to dedicate part of his life to the spread of music as art  with EML Project . from all over the world more easily as you can do now.

Private Life


I'm Paul the Author of EML.

I want to tell you the reasons why I started to collect genres and what are the most useful and powerful functionalities of this website.

If you're searching for zillion of title, artists, products or article you're in the right place...

We have the shortest database in web!

Why? Because my idea is not to collect as much data as possible but to give you the exact terms to search in the third party's services music content.

Typing a mistaken word in a general search engine or in the bar of your streaming platform could be not so bad, because the algorithm correct the letter and usually redirect you toward the right direction.

But not type it at all is really bad!

Using my taxonomies you can search not only genres but most of the terms used in music and content industry as the name of a music instrument, of a device, a part or entire equipments for recording or editing music etc. The system in which search this kind of world is Industry Taxonomy (or E.L.L. Euphonic Links Lists). You can start from the level 1 Areas (n°7 entries9 and go down to Categories, Subcategories or reach the level 4 "Economic Activities", or simply "Activities".

In every list , clicking the icon of external media (the one that you can see over the image above) you can search that term in hundreds of media (currently just few as example). You don't have to type or search or copy new terms in the bar of the platforms.

I know that this could sound a little weird, but if you use EML even for just a couple of minutes you will have results that you would have never had for many reason.

1)  most of we are a bit lazy.

2) we always want new suggestions from algorithms, but not all of us "feed" the databases correctly or with new terms.

This happen because we we simply are tired or have no time to have another session of PC or smartphone only to find a name.

With EML you can sit on your sofa, see the list of genres or products or contents and let our functionalities do the rest.

You don't need million of artists or tracks or albums in EML  because

the variety of entries selected for every genres, once searched in other media, are almost enough to give to the algorithms all the results that you need.

Every time that I use the lists that I have created, I discover always new stuff that I'm sure I would have never searched, even in hundreds of years!


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