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All the pages of EMC: a four levels music taxonomy systems with related internal and external links

EMC Music Classification


Ten sets defining the largest cultural movements in popular music since 50s. Frames are all standard definitions except Rock Frame.

Music Frames


Standard terms to define a wide "umbrella" of Genres with common sound rules and a pivotal movement

Broad Genres


Paths of styles, periods, markets or radio formats with very well-known terms as Alternative Rock.

Music Clusters


More than one thousand standard sets defining the units of the EMC Music Classification System.

Main Genres





Level name

Section page





EMC Music Classification

All the pages of EMC: a four levels music taxonomy systems with related internal and external links

EML Articles

In-depth articles on the contents and topics of all sections. In the test version these articles are limited to general topics such as the definitions of taxonomic systems, classification, what are the standard statistic systems used in music industry , in content industry, what means musical taxonomy etc..

Classification Features

Method, parameters used in the current test version of taxonomy systems.

Updates , corrections and implementation of current entries and other necessary changes or required assessments.


Info Articles

Page guides or content in-depths related to the current section. 

You can find the full list in Info Articles (/info) . If you are in a Level Page, click  the tab "Article" to open to the related page of this list. 



EMC is a music classification system created by the EML Author based on highly reliable web and traditional sources and on the Author's listening of thousands of artists' repertoires.

EMC is made up in four hierarchical levels with "is-a" relationships between abstractions. This means that there is no cross-listing between the classes, and that each "sublevel" is a "subtype" of his container and not its part . E.g: Alternative Rock is a strongest definition of "Rock" filtering different genres and not a part of it.

The selection of genres of this Test Version  will be updated have and widely improved by experts , artists or music lover that will join our project. Anyway, it represents the basis of the Author's idea about music classification and will not be drastically changed.

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