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Levels Index

The three classifications of: music genres, economic activities an media content  with filtered data synchronized in the four levels.

The levels-based content

All the levels of the systems are linked to different sort of data, info and other media content as internal articles, video or audio. The table below show how the architecture of the navigation correspond in somehow to the taxonomy intended as as content. With the linkable tables in this page the advanced users are able to reach directly the list filtered by a specific levels.

1) Music Taxonomy Data

Tab 1 = Taxonomy   Tab from 2 to 7 = Overviews  (Tab 2 is the same as Tab 1 with advanced level filters).

NOTE: In the current test version are published only the Artistic Overview (Music Taxonomy Data) and the list contain few items a sample of the functionalities of the system.

2) Industry Taxonomy Data

Tab 1 = Taxonomy   Tab 2  Section Pages (with some details) Tab 3/4 List of external links to third party's data articles or tables (still not available)

Tab 5 Info articles Tab 6 User guide video

NOTE: In the current test version are published only video and info articles. 

All the links in this tables redirect to internal pages. The definition ext/int is referred to the list in the pages.

3) Media Taxonomy Data

Tab 1 = Taxonomy   Tab 2  Section Pages (with some details) Tab 3/4 List of external links to third party's data articles or tables (still not available)

Tab 5 Info articles Tab 6 User guide video

NOTE: In the current test version are published only video and info articles. 

All the links in this tables redirect to internal pages. The definition ext/int is referred to the list in the pages.

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