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1.Laws and jurisdiction

1.1 Relevant legislation

This page describes how to manage the processing of personal data of users who enter service and use its services.

Information for the processing of personal data, in accordance with:

- GDPR Regulation (EU)-  2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) [1]
- ePrivacy Directive (EU) Directive 2002/58/EC [2]

- Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 of Italian Government (English version).

This information is provided in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation EU/2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, and the free circulation of such data to those who interact with the web services of the official website of for the protection of personal data, accessible electronically from the address:, corresponding to the home page of the official website of EML.

Accepting our Privacy Policy and entering you will accept also the EML Terms Of Use.

[1] REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Text with EEA relevance)

[2] Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 - Consolidated text  2009-12-19  concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications)- : [ELI:]

1.2 Terms and Subjects

In this document and in EML Terms Of Use we will use the following terms as indicate:

  • "EML" or "" or "Platform" or "Website"  : this website;"

  • User" : any visitor of EML not logged in (not member of;

  • "Member": anyone who has voluntarily subscribed to EML as member;

  • "Logged In" : each member who accessed the site as Member using his password and username.

  • "Author" or "We" or "Us": the owner of the platform/website - also referred as :

    • "Controller" or "Importer" of data from User and Visitors

    • "Exporter" of data to the "Processor":  and to ther "Sub-Processors" (see all the Wix's sub-processor in Chapter 4 )

  • "" The website builder platform that the Author have used to create the Website, and that keep on use to manage and visualize its content, to  add personal and specific functionalities as JS codes to the pages, for manage the personal data of the Users, regulate the access of Members and all the functionalities and services offered by;

  • " Ltd." the owner of (the website builder), and its affiliated companies and subsidiaries worldwide  also referred as "Processor" : Wix ltd 40 Namal Tel Aviv St., Tel Aviv, Israel; or  500 Terry A. Francois Boulevard, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94158.  For the purposes of GDPR (Article 27), you may contact the's EU representative at Wix Online Platforms Limited, 1 Grant’s Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland;

  • "EML  Staff" (not still legally defined) : any other person that has a particular and regulated role in EML as permanent collaborator, consultant, advisers, art director, computer programmer etc... The member of  EML Staff so defined have not the credential of Administrator of the site, nor any kind of responsibilities about the content of the Site except for their specific intentional behaviour or illicit action out of EML Author; the EML Staff contents, before to be published are verified by the Author. Non of the EML Staff is directly involved in the profit of the Website.

  • All the paragraph written with font different from this (see the sample above) are copied from the Wix's original legal documents as listed in the Wix's Sources section in the right sidebar menu.

1.2.1 Meaningful using of different font in this document

The contents of the paragraph of this document written with this font (mainly in in Chapter 3 and 4 ) are literally copied from Wix's legal documents published in the website.

Being hosted inside platform, the informations and rules contained in such paragraphs are anyway full part of this Privacy Policy. 

1.3 What is GDPR ?

GDPR is an acronymous for General Data Protection Regulation and it's the European Data Protection Regulation applicable as of May 25th, 2018 in all member states to harmonize data privacy laws relating to processing of personal data. This Regulation lays down rules relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and rules relating to the free movement of personal data. (art 1.1) This Regulation applies to the processing of personal data in the context of the activities of an establishment of a controller or a processor in the Union, regardless of whether the processing takes place in the Union or not. (Art 3.1). You can read the official GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) here or downaload the PDF here.

1.3.1 What does it mean "personal data" in GDPR?

"Personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person; (Art 4.1). Personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject (‘lawfulness, fairness and transparency’); (Art 5-2) .

Privacy Policy

Euphonic Music List : legal bases, personal data , cookies and processors

Last Update: 18 April 2024

2. Cookies Policy

2.1 What are  "cookies?"

Cookies are text files stored on your computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behavior information. When you visit our websites, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology. They are typically used to keep track of the settings users have selected and actions they have taken on a site.

We use cookies and similar technologies to improve your experience in and understand how visitors and users use our services . We use cookies listed in details in our Privacy Policy to interact with the site
If you agree you will accept the use of third-party cookies to show and analyze advertising defined on the basis of interests. You can set your Cookies preference clicking on the button Cookie Setting.

For further information, visit

Here listed the definition of some terms used in this documents:

a) Necessary or essential cookies: these cookies are necessary for a website to function properly. Without these cookies, the website may not be able to provide many services that the users expect from it. .

b) Non-necessary or non-essential cookies: these cookies are not necessary for a website for its basic functionality. If these cookies are disabled, the website will still function smoothly and the user can access its services. These often have a different purpose that is unrelated to the functionalities of the website.

c) First-party cookies: These are the cookies used by the website the user visits. Such cookies are often used for the functionalities of the website. E.g.: cookies that the website stored on your browser to identify you. 

d) Third-party cookies: These are the cookies used by a service, tool, or website other than the website the user visits. Usually the companies that provides these kind of cookies are in a contractual or technical agreement with the website the user visits. E.g Advertising cookies or or third-party analytics. 

e) Session cookies: These are short-lived cookies that expire when the user session o a website is over or when the user closes the browser. For e.g. when you fill any online form, the website remembers the information you filled in when you move across the web pages. The session cookies are responsible for it. 

f) Persistent cookies: These are cookies with a longer lifespan ranging from days, weeks, months to even years. They remain on the user device until they reach their expiration date or the users clear them from the browser. For e.g. the cookies set by Google Analytics for measuring your website’s conversions and performance.

More definition in

2.2  Why EML uses cookies? uses cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our website, including:

  • To provide a great experience for your visitors and customers.

  • To identify your registered members (users who registered to your site).

  • To monitor and analyze the performance, operation and effectiveness of platform.

  • To ensure our platform is secure and safe to use. 

Read more about this argument in the next paragraph.

2.3  How to manage cookies (cookies setting)

Every time you enter the site for the fist time in the session, a banner will appear asking you to accept or deny Cookies.

Clicking on Accept All Cookies you will also accept this Privacy Policy and EML Terms of Use.

Read carefully or made a copy of both documents before entering

You can set your browser not to accept cookies, and the above website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser.

You can edit your cookie setting:

  • in the banner while entering for the first time in the session if you have not your set your advanced setting cookies in your browser or if you are using an Android Device with an App that store automatically your choice (see 2.4 and 2.5)

  • in EML/About/Privacy Policy/ Cookie Setting.

2.4  How modify your cookies setting in your browser or APP

If you use a browser APP for entering EML in your smartphone or tablet in any Android device probably this banner will appear just once because the APP store in the local memory of your browser your first preferences about cookies and so all the other acceptance.

You can also set the list of accepted cookies in your browser using a PC opening the Cookies setting in the Advance Setting.


You can check which cookies are used by each business solution, third-party app or third-party integration using Chrome's built-in cookie view. While in incognito mode, click the Secure icon  next to the URL bar and then select Cookies.  

Make sure you're viewing your site in incognito mode so that your browser doesn't detect irrelevant cookies.


To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit this link:

2.6  What cookies are used in EML ?

The following are the cookies that are used in provided by:

EditorX : the owned editing platform that Author have used for building; the owned platform that currently use as hosting service

2.7  What are Functional Cookies ?

Functionality cookies allow EML to store the user’s site preferences and choices they make during the session (as username, region, language, used device etc.). This allows EML to provide personalized functionalities as EMC Media that require the temporary storage of your choice in the session memory browser . They are anonymous and don’t track browsing activity across other websites.  If you do not enable Functionality Cookies you will not be able to add further data as persistent or temporary cookies in your local or session memory of your browser (e.g for MyLinks service) and therefore you will not be able to use this function.

Being a web guide, most of service is based on your choice actions.

So, for our platform the Functional Cookies are considered strictly necessary to provide the service detailed in Terms of Use and User Guide.

2.5  How do We use cookies and other tracking tools?

It's important to note that third-party services, such as Google Analytics or other applications offered through the Wix App Market, placing cookies or utilizing other tracking technologies through Wix´s services, may have their own policies regarding how they collect and store information. As these are external services, such practices are not covered by the Wix Privacy Policy and nor by EML Privacy Policy.

The following is the the third-party's Privacy Policies of the external services used in


Cookie Name


Cookie Type


2.9  Use of cookies and other third-party technologies by Processor (

We [ - The Processor] and our Third Party Service Providers use cookies and other similar technologies (“Cookies”) in order for us to provide our Service and ensure that it performs properly, to analyze our performance and marketing activities, and to personalize your experience.

You can learn more about how we use cookies and similar technologies and how you can exercise control over them in our Cookie Policy.


Please note that we do not change our practices in response to a “Do Not Track” signal in the HTTP header from a browser or mobile application, however, most browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them. You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or you may choose to block cookies with your browser.

2.8  How your choices in cookie setting affect the website navigation

1) Accept all cookies

By clicking on "Accept All Cookies" you will be able to use the full services starting from this page , you will accept the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use . You can read this document before making your choice.

2) Decline all cookies

By rejecting all kind of cookie listed in Setting Preferences you will be able to use almost the full functionalities of EML service. Lower performance and some particularly function  may be not active.

You will not be tracked by trackig cookies or tra

3) Setting Preferences

Clicking on this button will open another pop up window, where you will have the opportunity to select which cookies will be active during your visit to the site. Remember that Functional Cookies for this type of site are particularly important and that deselecting the option the service offered on the site will have considerable limitations.(see 2.7)

3.3 What kind data EML and collect ?

Here at EML, we respect your privacy and are fully committed to the protection of your personal information. We collect data from our customers so that we can create the best and safest products. You can read more about this in the other sections of this document and in Wix Privacy Policy

3.4 The Processing of Users of users's Personal Information by (the "Processor")

From Wix Privacy Policy Article 2.2

"We [Wix Ltd] may also collect Personal Information pertaining to visitors and users of our User’s websites or services (“Users-of-Users”), solely for and on our Users’ behalf (as further described in Section ‎6 below)."

From Wix Privacy Policy Section 6. :"Users-of-users’ ‘Personal Information’"

Wix may collect, store and process certain Personal Information of Users-of-Users (“Users-of-Users Information”), solely on our Users’ behalf and at their direction. For example, each of our Users is able to import their e-mail contacts from third-party services like Gmail, or otherwise collect and manage contacts via their User Website. Such contacts are then stored with Wix, on the User’s behalf.

​For such purposes, Wix serves and shall be considered as a “Processor” and not as the “Controller” (as both such capitalized terms are defined in the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”)) of such Users-of-Users Information.

The Users controlling and operating such User Websites shall be considered as the “Controllers” of such Users-of-Users Information, and are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations that may apply to the collection and control of such Users-of-Users Information, including all privacy and data protection laws of all relevant jurisdictions.

The Processing of the Users-of-users’ Personal Information shall take place within the territory of the European Union, Israel or a third country, territory or one or more specified sectors within that third country of which the European Commission has decided that it ensures an adequate level of protection and such processing and transfer will be in accordance to the Data Processing Agreement – Users (“DPA"). Any transfer to and Processing in a third country outside the European Union that does not ensure an adequate level of protection according to the European Commission, shall be undertaken in accordance with the the Standard Contractual Clauses (2010/87/EU) set out in Annex 1of the DPA. For the sake of clarity, “Processing” should be understood as per the definition provided in the DPA.

You [The Author also named the "Controller" by ]  are responsible for the security, integrity and authorized usage of Personal Information about Users-of-Users’, and for obtaining consents, permissions and providing any required data subject rights and fair processing notices required for the collection and usage of such Personal Information.

Wix cannot provide legal advice to Users or their Users-of-Users, however we do recommend that all Users publish and maintain clear and comprehensive privacy policies on their User Websites in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations, and that all Users-of-Users carefully read those policies and make sure that they understand and, to the extent required by applicable law, consent to them.

For more information on how Users-of-Users Personal Information may be handled by Wix (which may be relevant for any specific notice you provide to and/or consent you obtain from your Users-of-Users), please see Sections 4, 12 and 13.


If you are a visitor, user or customer of any of our Users, please read the following: Wix has no direct relationship with Users-of-Users whose Personal Information it processes. If you are a visitor, user or customer of any of our Users, and would like to make any requests or queries regarding your Personal Information, please contact such User(s) directly. For example, if you wish to request to access, correct, amend, or delete inaccurate Personal Information processed by Wix on behalf of its Users, please direct your query to the relevant User (who is the “Controller” of such data). If Wix is requested by our Users to remove any Users-of-Users’ Personal Information, we will respond to such requests in a timely manner upon verification and in accordance with applicable law (for example, thirty (30) days under the GDPR). Unless otherwise instructed by our User, we will retain their Users-of-Users’ Personal Information for the period set forth in Section 12 below.

3.5 Data retention

From Wix Privacy Policy Section 12 :"Users-of-users’ ‘Personal Information’"

We may retain your Personal Information (as well as your Users-of-Users’ Personal Information) for as long as your User Account is active, as indicated in this Privacy Policy, or as otherwise needed to provide you with our Services.


We may continue to retain your Personal Information after you deactivate your User Account and/or cease to use any particular Services, as reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes regarding our Users or their Users-of-Users, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce our agreements and/or protect our legitimate interests.


We maintain a data retention policy which we apply to Personal Information in our care.

3.6 How the Processor share your ‘Personal Information’

From Wix Privacy Policy Section 4 :"Users-of-users’ ‘Personal Information’":


We [Wix Ltd]  may share your Personal Information with service providers and others (or otherwise allow them access to it) in the following manners and instances:


4.1. Third Party Service Providers: Wix has partnered with a number of selected service providers, whose services and solutions complement, facilitate and enhance our own. These include hosting and server co-location services, communications and content delivery networks (CDNs), data and cyber security services, billing and payment processing services, domain name registrars, fraud detection and prevention services, web analytics, e-mail distribution and monitoring services, session recording and remote access services, performance measurement, data optimization and marketing services, content providers, and our legal and financial advisors (collectively, “Third Party Service Provider(s)”).

Wix may share the following categories of Personal Information with Third Party Service Providers for a business purpose:

  • identifiers, including name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, internet protocol address, email address, account name, or other similar identifiers

  • commercial information, for example information regarding products or services purchased, obtained, or considered

4.2. Law Enforcement, Legal Requests and Duties: Wix may disclose or otherwise allow access to your Personal Information pursuant to a legal request, such as a subpoena, legal proceedings, search warrant or court order, or in compliance with applicable laws, if we have a good faith belief that the law requires us to do so, with or without notice to you.


4.2. Protecting Rights and Safety: Wix may share your Personal Information if we believe in good faith that this will help protect the rights, property or personal safety of Wix, any of our Users, any Users-of-Users, or any member of the general public, with or without notice to you.


4.3. Social Media Features and Framed Pages: Our Services include certain Social Media features, widgets, and single sign on features, such as the “Facebook Connect,” “Google Sign-in,” “Facebook Like”, or “Share this” button or other interactive mini-programs (“Social Media Features”). These Social Media Features may collect certain Personal Information such as your IP address or which page you are visiting on our Website and may set a cookie to enable them to function properly. Social Media Features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Services. Your interactions with these third parties’ Social Media Features are governed by their policies and not ours.

In addition, our Services may enable you to share your Personal Information with third parties directly, such as via page framing techniques to serve content to or from Third-Party Service Providers or other parties, while preserving the look and feel of our Website and Services (“Frames”). Please be aware that if you choose to interact or share any Personal Information via such Frames, you are in fact providing it to these third parties and not to us, and such interactions and sharing are governed by those third parties’ policies and not ours.


4.5. App Market Developers: As part of our App Market program, we allow third party developers (“Third Party Developer(s)”) to develop and offer their own applications via the Wix App Market (“Third Party App(s)”), in conjunction with Wix.

​Each Third Party Developer is bound by the Wix App Market – Partner Program Agreement, which among others, contains restrictions on how they may access, store, share, and use the Personal Information you and/or your Users-of-Users provide them or us (as further detailed in the Wix App Market Terms of Use)

We encourage you [ - The Controller] to review any privacy policy accompanying a Third Party App and ask Third Party Developers for any clarifications you may need before deciding to install and use their Third Party App. Wix does not control and is not responsible for the actions or policies of any Third Party Developers, and your use of any Third Party App is at your own risk.

You [ - The Controller] are solely responsible for notifying your Users-of-Users of the collection, processing and use of their Information and informing them that their Information will be transferred to and processed by Wix on your behalf.

4.6.Wix Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies: We may share your Personal Information internally within our family of companies, for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. For example, we may share your Personal Information with Inc., our US-based subsidiary, in the course of facilitating and providing you (and your Users-of-Users) with our Services.

Sharing Personal Information from Wix subsidiaries and affiliated companies in the European Union and Switzerland to Wix’s United States subsidiary will be only when the relevant Model Standard Contractual Clauses are in place .

4.7.Connection With a Change in Corporate Control: In addition, should Wix or any of its affiliates undergo any change in control, including by means of merger, acquisition or purchase of substantially all of its assets, your Personal Information may be shared with the parties involved in such event.

4.8.Upon Your Further Direction: Wix may also share your Personal Information with third parties for other purposes upon your further direction or with your explicit approval.

3.7 Where do the Processor store your ‘Personal Information’ ?

From Wix Privacy Policy Section 5 :"Where do we store your ‘Personal Information’?

5.1 Users’ and Users-of-Users’ Personal Information may be stored in data centers located in the United States of America, Ireland, Japan and Israel. We may use other jurisdictions as necessary for the proper delivery of our Services and/or as may be required by law. Ltd. is based in Israel, which is considered by the European Commission to be offering an adequate level of protection for the Personal Information of EU Member State residents.

Wix affiliates and Third-Party Service Providers that store or process your Personal Information on Wix’s behalf are contractually committed to keep it protected and secured, in accordance with industry standards and regardless of any lesser legal requirements which may apply in their jurisdiction.


5.2.Transfer of EU Personal data : If you are located in Europe, when we will transfer your Personal Information to the United States or anywhere outside Europe, we will make sure that (i) there is a level of protection deemed adequate by the European Commission or (ii) that the relevant Model Standard Contractual Clauses are in place.

5.3 Privacy Shield Certification: Wix and its affiliates, including DeviantArt Inc., participates in, and has certified its compliance with, the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework. To learn more about the Privacy Shield Framework, visit the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Privacy Shield List, here.

In compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles, commits to resolve complaints about our collection or use of your personal information. EU and Swiss individuals with inquiries or complaints regarding our Privacy Shield policy should first contact us at: For the avoidance of doubt, Wix does not rely on the Privacy Shield as a mechanism for transferring GDPR protected personal data. has further committed to refer unresolved Privacy Shield complaints to an alternative dispute resolution provider located in the United States. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint from us, or if we have not addressed your complaint to your satisfaction, please visit If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact our U.S.-based third-party dispute resolution provider at for more information or to file a complaint. The services are provided at no cost to you.

Data Category

Data Category

Legal Basis

Why We collect Data

3. Use of personal data

3.1 How do EML and store, use, share and disclose EML visitors' personal information? is hosted on the platform. provides Us with the online platform that allows Us to provide freely from any charge our services to you.

Your data may be stored through's data storage, databases and the general applications.

They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. is a leading cloud-based development platform with millions of users worldwide and is one of the bigger and most reliable global web companies with

They use a very higher level of protection of data of their User (in this case the Author) and consequently also of the Final Users : the users of the website created with their platform : "you" and other Visitor or Members.

The role of EML  and in the personal data  managing

  • As a site-owner, are considered the Controller of EML visitors’ data. This means that We are the one who is choosing what data to collect from our site-visitors and We decide how it will be handled.

  • is a Processor for our site-visitors’ data. This means that Wix will only process our site-visitors’ data following our instructions and on your behalf. will not process your site-visitors’ data for our own benefit. For more information about Wix’s obligations as a data processor for your data, see Wix Data Processing Agreement


  • gives us  tools to be GDPR compliant. However, there are multiple and essential steps we havew take on our side. Compliance with GDPR is the responsibility of each site-owner. We are the one who is deciding what data will be collected and how it is handled.


From "Appendix 1 to the Standard Contractual Clauses/ Data Processing Agreement"

This Appendix forms part of the Clauses and must be completed and signed by the parties:

The Member States may complete or specify, according to their national procedures, any additional necessary information to be contained in this Appendix

​Data exporter: The data exporter is the entity identified as the “User” in the DPA.

​Data importer: The data importer is Ltd., the provider of the services.

Data subjects: Data subjects are defined as User Customers in the DPA.

Categories of data

The personal data is as defined in the Data Processing Agreement


Processing operations

The personal data transferred will be subject to the following basic processing activities:

The objective of Processing of Personal Data by data importer is the performance of the Services pursuant to the Agreement.


From "Appendix 2 to the Standard Contractual Clauses"of Data Processing Agreement

This Appendix forms part of the Clauses and must be completed and signed by the parties.

Description of the technical and organisational security measures implemented by the data importer in accordance with Clauses 4(d) and 5(c):

The technical and organizational security measures implemented by the data importer are as described in: security

From "Security of Wix's Sign Up Services and User Information"

Wix values the security of our customers' information and we do everything in our power to protect it. 

Here's what we do to protect your information:

  • Wix contracts security consultants to ensure the security of our user information. They perform regular security audits and infiltration testing to maintain our ISO/PCI security certifications. Any issues that are reported to our security team or raised during security audits these are resolved as soon as possible.

  • Wix encrypts databases containing sensitive information, according to PCI standards, to add additional protection of personally identifiable information. Our encryption methods renders this information unreadable without a cryptographic key. 

  • Wix has a multiple layer security architecture to help protect against 0-day security issues. 

  • Wix's signup and login services are completed through a secure server. The information provided to Wix in the signup process is secured via HTTPS/ SSL communication. 

  • Wix uses cryptography hash functions to protect your information. Your password is stored as a hash digest and, in the event of a security breach, your original password cannot be recovered from our servers.  

If you believe you've found a security issue or vulnerability, please contact the Wix Security team. Click here to learn more. 

You can read the full article in here

Wix Privacy Policy

To have a full access to all the details about how store and manage data of the direct Users and Final Users you have to read the following documents:

Informazioni sulla Privacy di (ITA) Privacy Policy (ENG)


or entering the home page of

Wix Home Page (ENG)

Wix Home Page (ITA)

Reading these documents is really important for understand the processes behind the data collecting in EML.

3.2 User's data and access for kids

If you are under 13 years
You may use the Site’s service as a Visitor (non-subscribe) only with the permission of a parent or legal guardian.
Use of the Service as a Member (registered on the Site) is only possible with the prior and verifiable permission of a parent or legal guardian.

If you are over 13 and under 18
You may only access the Site as a Visitor with the permission of a parent.
You can only register as a Member with the prior and verifiable permission of a parent.
Invite him to read this Agreement with you.

If you are a parent or legal guardian of a child under the age of 18
You can only give permission to your child or child to protect them by carefully reading this document (Terms of Use) and the Privacy Policy and only after understanding exactly what the Service consists of.
Since you are responsible for the child, you must understand that  the Author , the Processor ( its Subprocessors  and the Third Party's Subprocessors, although with different purposes, have access to and use the data of the person who has access to the site.
Read all the Privacy Policy of the Site (this document), save it or print it , and in particular, the chapter:  "Use of Personal Data" to better understand how these data are used in the Site.
When you provide permission for a minor to use the Site, you are responsible for his or her behaviour during the visit and for his or her use of the Site features such as automatic access to Third Party Sites. These are all widely verified and maximum security Sites but the Author is not responsible for the use of the Third Party Sites visited by the minor during the session in

Read carefully the next chapters to understand how in the Site your child's data or the ones of the minor of whom you are the legal guardian are used.

Uses of companies'data (Visotrs or Members)
It is possible for owners or employees of companies to use the Site and to register by owning the Membership to the company, only by providing adequate verifiable information about your ownership to act as its legal representative. The legal entities's data follow the same rules of a person's data. In any cases, a companies, a firm or an association have to subscribe in the name of a legal representative whose data will be used as described in this document.

For information or assistance contact the Author directly at the e-mail address of the site

4.1 List of Wix's Sub-Processors

From: Wix Help Center / About Wix / Privacy / List of Wix's Sub-Processors

To help provide our services, Wix uses a number of sub-processors. The type of data that sub-processors have access to is limited to only what is reasonably necessary to perform the service provided.

This page provides an up-to-date list of the names and locations of the sub-processors that Wix engages that process personal data of visitors and users of Wix Users’ (“Users-of-Users”) websites or services.


Links to original articles in



Service Provided


4.2 Wix sub-processors

Personal data of Users-of-Users processed via Wix services is initially processed by Ltd. (Israel), and may then be transferred to other Wix entities for storage and, as necessary, to provide our services. Transfers to Wix entities are covered by a Wix intra-company Data Processing Agreement, which puts in place appropriate safeguards as required to ensure that cross-border transfers are conducted in compliance with applicable data protection laws such as, for instance, the EU’s GDPR. INC

Providing and improving the Wix platform and related services

United States Brasil Serviços De Internet Ltda.

Providing and improving the Wix platform and related services

Brasil Services Mexico S de RL de C.V.

Providing and improving the Wix platform and related services

Mexico Luxembourg S.a.r.l

Providing and improving the Wix platform and related services

Luxembourg UAB

Providing and improving the Wix platform and related services


Wix Com India Private Limited

Providing and improving the Wix platform and related services


Wix.Com Germany GmbH

Providing and improving the Wix platform and related services


Wix Online Platform Limited

Providing and improving the Wix platform and related services

Ireland (UK) Limited

Providing and improving the Wix platform and related services

United Kingdom Ukraine, LLC

Providing and improving the Wix platform and related services


4.Sub-Processors is a website hosted by The Author in this chapter provides an extract from Privacy Policy articles to help Users's site ( or services (herein : "Users -of-Users" as the Visitors and Members of to understand how Ltd. (together with its affiliated companies and subsidiaries worldwide (“Wix”) processes their data.


Service Provided

DTM [1]

Corporate Location

4.3 Third-party sub-processors

Wix also uses certain third-party sub-processors to provide our services.

A third-party sub-processor is a data processor engaged by Wix who agrees to receive personal data of Wix Users’ end users and customers from Wix for the purpose of conducting processing activities to be carried out (1) on behalf of Wix Users and (2) in accordance with Wix Users’ instructions as communicated by Wix.

Prior to engaging with a sub-processor, Wix conducts appropriate due diligence, which includes security and legal analysis. Each sub-processor enters into a written contract with Wix that enforces compliance with applicable data protection laws. Cross-border transfers are conducted under applicable approved mechanisms (together with additional measures, where required) to ensure compliance with applicable data protection laws, all as detailed in our Data Processing Addendum for Users.


This Privacy Policy affects only the navigation in the website EML (

EML has some functionalities for automatic external linking (see EMC Media Generalities) that let the Users to be lead to third party's website, opening new windows in the same browsers.

In such windows this Privacy Policy is not any more applied and Users must follows the indication of the third party's website owners about their privacy and about the terms of use of the site they entered in.

All the functionalities of EMC Media are clearly noticed in the pages they are in use.

EML Users must read carefully all this information to understand when clicking on a button their browser open a new window displaying another website.

EML applies a strict control about the use of external links in its pages.

All the sites that can be linked by EML  are carefully verified and in the final version, open to all the visitors, these kind of links will be active only if approved by the owners of the targeted websites and if these operations will be considered safe by them , by EML Author's staff and by the Processor of our site-visitor's data: the owner of the platform hosting EML:

If you are under 13 years:

You may use the Site’s service as a Visitor (non-attached) only with the permission of a parent or legal guardian.
Use of the Service as a Member (registered on the Site) is only possible with the prior and verifiable permission of a parent or legal guardian.

If you are over 13 and under 18:
You may only access the Site as a Visitor with the permission of a parent.
You can only register as a Member with the prior and verifiable permission of a parent.
Invite him to read this Agreement with you.

If you are a parent or legal guardian of a child under the age of 18:
You can only give permission to your child or child to protect them by carefully reading this document (Terms of Use) and the Privacy Policy and only after understanding exactly what the Service consists of.

Since you are responsible for the child, you must understand that  the Author the Processor ( and its Subprocessors  carefully although with different purposes, have access to and use the data of the person who has access to the site.

Read all the Privacy Policy of the Site and in particular "Use of Personal Data" to better understand how these data are used in the Site.

When you provide permission for a minor to use the Site, you are responsible for his or her

Access to the site
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