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EMC Overviews

Levels, Artists, Albums, Tracks, Media and Features lists pre-filtered by

Music Taxonomy Systems

Top pages of system-related lists of overviews. Artistic Overviews includes : Levels, Artists, Albums, Tracks, Media and Features. Industry Overviews is the index of articles filtered by Areas & Categories. In Test version Media Overviews is not available and Industry Articles are limited to some samples.

Results : 3 pages

Artistic Overviews

In the top page of EMC Overviews you can find a simple tool to create internal links to the type of list you want to see (Levels, Artists, Albums, Tracks, Media, Features) and the level of EMC to which you want them to be filtered.

Industry Articles

ELL Overviews means articles related to economic activities, services, products, organizations etc.. filtered by the ELL Industry Taxonomy System.

Media Overviews

Media Overviews are not still available in Test Version. This thumbnail redirect you to the full list of Media Service (as the one below)

Tracks by Frame

Tracks filtered by EMC Level 1

Tracks by Broad Genre

Tracks filtered by EMC Level 2

Tracks by Cluster

Tracks filtered by EMC Level 3

Tracks by Genre

Tracks filtered by EMC Level 4

List of music-related content selected to better represent the definitions of the EML Taxonomies Systems: classes of economic activities ,digital media , greatest performer artists and albums. In this test version you can find tracks lists in the EMC pre-filtered content.

Results : 5 pages

Visual Index of all Artistic Overviews filtered by the EMC Levels (read more in Info)

Results 4

List of links to the pages of overviews of the four EMC Levels (for advanced searches see Music Taxonomy)

Results 24

Full List of artistic entries and music web media filtered by the four levels of EMC music classification system.

Use this tool to generate your overviews

Results : 6 pages / 889 list each

Levels Overviews

Artists Overviews

Albums Overviews

Tracks Overviews

EMC Media Overviews

EMC Features Overviews

List of the world leading music Digital Media Services search pages pre-filled with  the EMC Entries

4 lists

Still not available

In-depth about the EMC Entries classification standards

4 list

Still not available

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