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Cassette Tape

Artistic Overviews

All the music lists of Overviews filtered by the EMC levels


  • The Full List of Overviews by EMC include the same number of entries of the updated Music Taxonomy.

    Each clickable row here links to a list of Overviews that are longer as higher is the level i which it is filtered by.

    EXAMPLE:  in Artists Overviews you can find 889 lists extracted by EML Greatest Performer Artists filtered on genres and metagenres of the EMC Test Version.

    Start the search of Overviews from here if you want to see all the lists and choose the levels within the same page using the filtering options.

    If you prefer to visualize pre-filtered lists on the EMC Levels with fixed URL (e.g. Artists by Broad Genres) use the next index.

    List of Music Classification Entries overviews

    List of all the Greatest Artists overviews by EMC

    List of all the Greatest Albums overviews by EMC

    List of all the Greatest Tracks overviews by EMC

    List of all the EMC Entries synchronized with Digital Media Services

    List of all the internal EMC Features Articles

  • With the sub-sections Artistic Overviews by EMC , we provide links to twenty-four pages (savable URLs), where you can find the six types of overviews filtered by the four Levels of EMC.

    EXAMPLE: if you are looking for Greatest Artists and want to see a list with not a large number of pages, then filter on a medium high level , select Artists then click on Broad Genre (EMC Level 2). You will be redirected to a page with a list filtered on thirty-one broad genres, that are very recognizable sets (like Rock or Hip Hop) with a low specificity level, but not too much. If you’re looking for much tighter lists, click L4 Main Genres and then choose the type of overviews.

    You will find overviews filtered by very well-defined sets such as Psychedelic Rock or  Conscious Hip Hop.

    EMC Levels


    Frames Levels


    Broad Genres Levels


    Clusters Levels


    Genres Levels

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