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Pages of linklists of Artistic Area indexed by EMC Classification and synchronized with external services by EMC Media system


Detailed features , selection parameters and data connected to the related pages

User Guide

Guide to EML service, fuctionalities and infographic

Main Sections : the Taxonomies Systems

The three Main Sections provide general info, links and previews of related articles of EML Taxonomies . For access the list of definitions use Taxonomies Data, Levels or Entries (see the differences here)

Data , links and descriptions

The three Descriptive Sections provide lists of artists, repertoire, external links, , info, methods, parameters, in-depth and video tutorials indexed on EML Taxonomies Levels and Entries. For access directly the lists use Features, Overviews, User Guide.


Access to the main sections of EML: Taxonomy, Data, Overviews, Features,  Info , About and User Guide,

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