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EMC - General Rules

A music taxonomy system fully based on listening , traditional and digital sources

General rules and parameters of taxonomy system

EMC (Euphonic Music Classification) has been made up the Author of EML for the following purposes:- use it as index of the Categories included in "Artistic Area";- provide users of a hierarchical system that lead them from the major movements in popular music donw to the  genres and subgenres passing through four different steps of classification;- have a database for discussion and discussion with external collaborators, artists and EML members;- starting from this base add, subtract or modify the entries of each level to make the classification as elastic and current as possible;- have a simple but substantial reference system, to be used for any type of research, both on the web and personal on music and musicians;- create lists and if possible do not rank;

Currently this session can be defined as a personal Author's view , or a technical music-blog having contents daily updated about:

- genre classification;

- artists classification;

- artists' repertoires or works classification automatically;

- automatically redirection to web content related to what above listed ;

- awarded artists lists;

- unsigned artists lists and redirection to their web content;

All the content in EMC session or in Artistic Area of ELL are synchronizable ad filterable by EMC Classification items. 

You can connect the results of the search to the related contents in web with the Automatic Media Results (autogenerated extenral links) of EMC Media., or with the precompiled list of extrernal links created by EML author(s);

Isn't the classification into genres considered useless by many artists?

Yes.  We live definitely an age in which this process (the artists or works cataloguing) is considered as "old-fashioned" and accused to compress and reduce the values of the artist's expressions by the artists themselves and from many point of views in music industry and by the critics.

Artists are always less bound to the genres rules or to a single prototype of style intended as both: artists and producers's strategies.

This does not means that the "new world" does not need to classify artistic works.

The prove of this affermation is the impressive financial and intellectual effort to generate always more sophisticated informational retrieving and machine learning system, to automatically recognize music genres with the use of technological devices.

At least not for the Author's point of view. Mixing style, techniques, aesthetical genres rules, creating different part in the same tracks bridging totally different genres does not mean indisputably the creation of new genres.

Often this mean that a new kind of product is offered to the markets. Also hig quality products.

But this does not automatically involve the generation of new rules because most of these experiments ends with the tracks themselves or are used as personal artistic logo by the first one that used them or from some following less famous artists searching for the same success.

Creating a new genres means generate authoritatively and in a systemic way new aesthetic rules.

if not entirely new but not appliable to any previous style or genre and not a simple addition of rules or techniques within the same song.

However, it's out of doubt that almost all the contemporary artists of any kind of genres or origins are concentrated to create always new forms of expression or melting styles and genres them together to reach fresh and personalized styles that are hardly compressing or embedding in to an only classification "box"

And for the same reasons that it's impossible to find a city main route if you do not have a little path that lead you from the suburb, we (I) think that it's hard for the global music markets have a significant grow up tendency if the audience cannot impersonate themselves in to a specific semantic category of artists.

I said semantic because what is clear to anyone who follow the music market from outside, that the stronger message the artists carry and the higher are their success.

Music is not only a sound that you hear because it delights your hear.

Music is a constant in most of our lifes, that voluntarly or not modify not only our mood, but changes the approach to personal growth and interpersonal relationship.

If music genres and their being flags of our social set, interior disorder or order, needs of love or our rejecting it, of our standing besides or close to our the feeling , desperation, frustration, happiness, if this radical approach of the artists to the choice of owning or be owned by a genre , the music turn in to a joiful or sad background sound.


We can't  imagine a future in which audience know few about the services offered by the we media operators , or if they know almost nothing about the music market of our neighbouring country (as I observed in the knowing of French music in Italian people). And it's as many hard for a music lovers search in the web something that they doen't know.


The exciting successes of Afrobeat, Korean Pop, of Italian rock band Maneskin , are just some of the long list of proves that "countries" and "languages" are not anymore synonimous of "boundaries" for the audiences but they stil are for who do not let the audicence aware about the artists' from other's regions.

For this and many other reasons that we will deep in the future, in EMC:

- genres have been layered in to hierachical sets or levels (if you don't believe that you are a blues rocker you can't believe you are inthe Rock Frame!);

- have been added new terms for defining new genres if have been analyzed sounds of different genres melted together by not just one or two artist, but from a collection of artists.

- some general and aspecific definitions as "indie" that are so well accepted and loved by artits here does not find space. At least in the supplementary definition (as Subgenres). EMC anayze and classify genres and artists on their sound features only and this must be clearly originated by some kind of rules. Also if melted. THe example of indie rock is one of the most significant because inside this definitions artist feel free to create and expres themselvs following a general approach to techniques or styles. Some may argue this affermatin saying that indie rock is a well defined genre of alternative rock. Other  may arguer that indie rock is an alternative to classic and alternative rock. A middle solution. All these positions are respectable but we do not want to create a taxonomy system, but just a way to search artists following the more used form of expression in their repertoire or that that have implied their more celebrated period of success. We want audience discover artists similar to the genres they love and not to define socialm cultural , political groups, or different approach to producing processes. Also if exist this Category, in in EML artist are not divided in autoproduced, signed, greatest,  supproting etc.. We can insert a new unsigned band of 16 years old average, next to the greatest rock band ever, if we think that this band has really created a new genre as that impresive musicians did a lot of year ago. This goal (or target, I am Italian pleas be gentle if I write not always correctly!) is not simple, but with the help of really honest and professional colalborators and of the artists themselves it is possible.

Has the Authors used an existing structure to create EMC?
No. The Author didn't tried to emulate one system or another one.

He just tried to :

- collect more data and opinions as possible from digital and traditional media and extract a synthesis from all them;

- discover how could be possible to link five different world:  artists, industry, media, events (also if this is part of industry in EML is considered apart) and all the world that support the artists in their formation and activity (music school, organizations, instruments producers, tech-company, E-learning etc..) and provide our users a system to synchronize and search this contents in web with particular or common index.- doing what is supposed to do for reaching the last purposes without enter in competition with the giant of the web search , with the big databases, or with the powerful algorythms "living" as artificial minds inside the big music media operators in web.

​These purposes are better explained in:

- the paragraph "Purpose" in this page;

- EMC Features;

- ELL Main page;

- ELL Features;

EMC has been created to let the the web users have a neutral and free space in which search easily the major genres of popular music with a clear but strict cataloguing system.

EMC born from the needs of the Author to find a form of classification for his research that: 

- can be accessible without a particular technical knowledge by using common device as a PC or smartphone;

- has to be free accesible; 

- can be read and interpreted as a unique point of view but created from a synthesis of multiple and reliable sources;

- cannot be an entirely personal point of view ;

- must not be made up by commercial needs, even if entirely fair, or not being embedded in a commercial websites;.

- could be, also if partially , approved by academic departments, musicologists or by staff of music schools;

- being improved by such these kind of organizations;

- explain how to connect to the major sources of this topics or that do it automatically;

- help the user to discover and connect to music streaming or video sharing platforms where listen or watching legally music contents; 

- help the user to find the websites where they can buy or download legally copyrighted music contents;

These requirements may seem superfluous to those who use these instruments everyday or for those who already have a paid or free subscription to music platforms. But there is a large part of users and music lovers who do not know or are not able to use these so precious and useful services offered in web .​

3.1 A 'free space' for search genres and metagenres

Examples of EMC Entries:

1) Pop Music is an entry of level Frames

2) Western Pop Music is an entry of level Broad Genres

3) Contemporary Pop is an entry of level Clusters

4) Teen Pop is an entry of level Genres

EMC Entries index of Artistical Area

The EMC entries in EML are considered index of the Artistic Area of ELL,.

The list of data that includes all other categories (as Music Industry or Events) are indexed by specific Area Index.

What the EMC Entries may represent in different levels

This list does not define a specific levels, but what in general may or may not represent the entries (e.g. the word Pop Music of Blues Rock) in EMC. In EMC 2 Level and in EMC Parameters you will find specific features for each levels.

An entries may be :

- a music genres;

- a metagenres ;

- an artist's strategies (style);

- a cultural movements;

- a ethnical cultural movements;

- an aggregations of oral or written musical traditions;

- the use of particular tecnhical equipments or instruments;

- the different degrees of the use of electronic during the recording or the live performance of a "music event";

- a different geographical origin of the artists within the same sets or genres;

- the evolutions of the same genre and style during different generations;

- a different use of language for similar music genres or styles.

These definitione does not include events defined as "live" or all other performances, because, although in most cases the live version of an album coincides stylistically and at the classification level with the original recorded, it is also possible that over time, the same artist, compared to the recording of the album, modifies partially or totally the general arrangement and/or the techniques used for the performance, transforming what was a piece that could be catalogued in one genre, in another.

Genres or Main Genres

The unit of EMC Classification can be defined as:

- the Main Genre:  if it is the classification feature that better define an artist or a work but but cannot be the the only one (e.g the  David Bowie's Main Genre in EML is Art Rock, but he could be also defined a Glam Rock or a Pop Rock singer; generally the attribution of the Main Genre to an author or a performer or a band tend to define the more prolific and interesting period of an artist's career. See Artist Selections.

- an Artistic or EMC Entry if it is the listed in the Subcategory "Genres": this means that it is subject of an Artistic Overview as the other EMC Levels.

If an Artistic Entry has an Artistic Overview it will be deepened in six related pages.

Artistic Overviews as ultimate level level of EMC and prefilters for the Linklists

This definition is detailed in the section Features Specific to the page Selection of Great Artists.

It was however important to anticipate these concepts because on it as on others is based the structure of the site.

Essentially the entire EMC system is a list of genres, which, as best described on the EMC page Part 2 - Levels, are grouped into three higher levels and stratified hierarchically. So a Frame is a set of broad genres, the Broad Genre less and the Cluster even less.

3.2 EMC and EMC Media as separated sections

EMC is a list of genres or metagenres, existing or made up by the Author. Some new definitions have been introduced to:

a) define a taxonomy mainly based on sound features;

b) enrich the search in web of music genres and metagenres.


In any cases, all the terms in EML is directly related to existing music movements or genres or to standard musical taxonomy. The Author has not made up new sets but just changed or melted some definitions in according to the rules listed in EMC Specific Features.

EMC as mirror of the Classification subcategories

The four EMC Levels include exactly the same entries (names of genres and metagenres ) of the ones included in the four Subcategories of Classification (Frames, Broad Genres, Clusters an Genres).

Each entry is ​expanded in its contents and visualized with other functionalities. 

The subcategories contain the same identical list of entries, divided into the same four sets corresponding in EMC at levels, but without the hierarchical order.

This subdivision give to the sections an autonomy in the flow of autorizations of EML functionalities.

Most of EMC Media tools,  particularly the ones related to the automatic external links are subject to strict national and international laws about copyright and privacy and to personalized license or permission released by the each of the web companies to which EML leads with these kind of links.

3.3 EMC Entries

What is EMC?

EMC is a music classification system listing genres and  metagenres, indexing artists /works of popular music [1]  active/produced since 50s , provided by and created by its Author.

The Author has created the current EMC System for this Test Version of basing his research on:

​- human listening of artists' repertoires ; [2]
- web sources (see Digital Media) [3] ;
- traditional sources ( see All Media) [4] ;


> About EMC Music Classification

> EMC General Features 1 - Introduction


The EMC contents fundamentally are:

- EMC Levels : names (existing or made up for and contents of four hierarcahical levels of genres and metagenres (e.g Broad Genres or Clusters);

- EMC Entries: names (existing or made up for and definitions of genres and metagenres included in EMC Levels (e.g the Broad Genres ck Music" and the Cluster "Classic Rock")

In the terms "music classification" are not associated to "automated music identification" system"

​​> All EMC Levels

> EMC Levels definitions

> EMC Entries quick guide

Who creates EMC?

Currently, the classification included in this test version of EML ( is at a starting point and it's entirely created and filled up in all its contents and functionalities by the Author.

​It will will be improved thanks to:

   - future published Authors's contents (inthis case you can see this as a big technical blog);

​   ​- experts advice (musicologist, journalists, music experts, pros etc..);
    - interviews with the classified artists (expressing their point of view about the classification and description proposed and about the Artistical 

      Areas in general);
   - EML members' suggestions (only Members) .

Main Levels with the EMC System functionalities provides list of genres and metagenres spread in four hierarchical levels having the last one as base unit:

1) Frames

2) Broad Genres

3) Clusters

4) Genres

Index of Artistical Entries

EMC Entries in are used as index for Artistical Entries .

An Artistical Entry is the name and its related contents, of all Categories of Artistical Area.

Being a hierarchical system EMC provides an index to itself using the levels from the highest (Frames) to the lower (Genres).

Other Artistical Entries (subcategory items of Artists and Works) and some particular subcategories are all indexed by EMC System and have special functionalities as the automated search of external links (autogenerated links) or the Artistical Overviews.

> Read the EMC Levels rules

Search entries by EMC or E.L.L. sections

The two paths that the Users can use to search EMC Entries in EML lead all to a level called Artistical Overviews.

The same happen for all the Artistic Area.

The EMC visualized in this two paths, EMC and E.L.L. sections, have some differences.

EMC Search

In EMC section the pages are all individually created and programmed to allow the whole functionalities of EMC Media.

The layout shows immediately this substancial differences: six tab under a big picture. These buttons links to each levels.

In All Levels, all the levels are visualized by default in the first page and separately in the rest of the subpages.

All this pages are Frame-based: changing the frame all the contents changes subsequently.

You can filter all the separate lists by the higher levels, and by the lower fro Frames with drop-down.

IN EMC all the levels, also if separated, are thought as part of a vertical structure, in which a level filters the lower.

You can use EMC Section also if you have not a good knowledge of music, or if you know what you are looking for and you want to use the quick menu to link the entries to music website with autogenerated lists of Media Search.

> Try the EMC Search

> Read how to search media by EMC

Search EMC Entries in Classification Category

In E.L.L sections the EMC Entries are dinamically visualized as all the other Genreal Entries.

You can find the same entries of EMC in Area Artistic/ Category "Classification".

ELL pages are lighter than EMC because are only list without pictures and other functionalities.

You can use ELL path if you know what you are looking for or if you have a good knowledge of music genres or if you want a quick guide to the web contents.

You can't filter EMC Entries as in the EMC  pages because in E.L.L. the EMC Levels are Subcategory listed separately and they are not thought as in a hierarchical system.


> See the list of EMC Level 1 Frames

> See the list of EMC Level 1 Frames

1. Generalities


Key definitions and characteristics of the music classification system used in the data section as index of artistic entries and as a stand-alone category.



The term "music classification system" refers only to the music taxonomy system developed by the Author on the basis of personal listening to artistic repertoires and researches and NOT to software or other technologies of detection and automatic sound identification also called automatic music classification, automatic recognition of genres , automatic content recognition or audio retrieval in computer science.

Search of genres ad artists in EML is based only on pre-filled terms or user's input of text.

EML is not a audio search engine and do not use any searching algorithm to compare sample frequency, bit rate, type of file, length, duration, or coding type.

In EML is impossible download any resulting files and does not collect audio files as well.

EMC System do not use content-based image retrieval (CBIR).or any kind of audio search from audio,

2. Definitions

3. Main Features

​As EMC (Euphonic Music Classification)© can be intended :

1) a music classification system:  an intellectual "abstract" cop(yrighted contents included in a session of consisting in a list of taxonomy definitions (names and related definitions) of :

- Main Genres  movement of popular music born after the 1940s , considered units of EMC Classification so as of many standard classification;

- three upper hierachical sets of such taxonomic units: Frames, Broad Genres and Music Clusters also defined "metagenres", used in  to classify and search in the EML Categories:  Classification, Artists and Works;

2) as part of website: one of the three main sections together with E.L.L. and EMC Media.

All the functionalities of EMC Media section are applied also in EMC.

The current version of EMC used for this test version has been created by the Author basing his research on:

​- human listening of artists' repertoires ; [2]
- web sources (digital media) [3] ;
- traditional sources (print media) [4] ;

and will be improved thanks to:

- experts advice [5];
- interviews with the classified artists; [6];
- EML members' suggestions [7].

3) Currently, according to point 3) :

- the entries EMC as music classification and its structure as general asset can be considered almost entirely defined. Anyway in the next months some Genres or metagenres could be added or removed and all the necessary corrections and implementations will be apported to any part of the structure if mistaked or leaking part will be noticed by authors, collaborators and members;

- the entries of all the Artistical Area (indexed by EMC) as Artists are just a first basic list including, created by the Author and updated during time as a blog,. This lists (collected as Subcategories) include: bands, musicians , singers, Dj and composers related to the Genres listed in EML, despite their real fame or record selling and their major works

4) In EML the term "music classification system" is used with its general meaning [8] and not as "automatical recognition of genres" [9].

​EMC is currently a list of more than 600 Main Genres that will probably will became almost one thousand once ended the first part of the Author's research on all the Frames listed (see EMC Levels).

A Main Genres (or simply Genre) is the unit of EMC taxonomy system collected in four upper sets (see the next chapter EMC Levels) to facilitate their search inside

Technology  used

Tthe Author of EMC and EML had not and will not use any kind of technological instruments as "automatic methods of musical similarity detection" as that system based on "data mining and co-occurrence analysis developed to classify music titles for electronic music distribution""[10] . does not use any kind of informational retrieving [11] or machine learning system, and do not use any cookies or similar technologies to collect information used for classifiy genres or modify our lists. All the contents of EMC (lists, selection, attribution of genres, layering of genres in metagenres etc..) are intellectual property of the Author only and must be read as a most objective as possible personal view.


All the website and in particular way the session of EMC (this) and the Artistical Area of  ELL  must be considered as  personal point of view on an artistic content , as a criticism or a review.

As such it can be objected, accepted, contrasted and an artist or a label can ask the Author to modify , delete or improve some or all the part of the content related to the artists (see here how to contact us for ask modification, deleting or improve personal data of the authors ). 

Anyway, in any cases EMC must never be considered an objective judgment retrieved elsewhere by third's part source or directly copied by any third part's copyright contents.

Any attribution, judgement, inclusion or exclusion of/about artists and their repertoires in EMC and in Artistical Area of ELL are conseguences of a personal research of the Author.

The use of a long list of external sources has been obviously necessary to him for creating this first test version of EMC, but in no cases the author of this serches can claim intellectual property or deny a content written in EMC because , as already expressed, no content has been copied and no choice or judgement about artists and their repertoires in EMC directly reflects the thought or opinion of any contributor or authors listed as source of this research (see the page Sources)

help o of it as a scientific fact, an 'offense or a personal gesture in the dealings of any of the artists mentioned. The system as presented cannot be used as a method of classification in other classification systems or for other sites.

To learn more about how to use EMC, please refer to the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and the Copyright Policy of[12][13]

2.1 General Definitions

4. Purposes

EMC Entries : list of genres and metagenres
As a general principle it can be said that EMC is a list of entries spread in tho the different EMC Levels.

The entries included in this levels are the name of the different Frames, Broad Genres, Clusters and Genres

Examples of EMC Entries:

1) Pop Music is an entry of level Frames

2) Western Pop Music is an entry of level Broad Genres

3) Contemporary Pop is an entry of level Clusters

4) Teen Pop is an entry of level Genres

EMC Entries index of Artistical Area

The EMC entries in EML are considered index of the Artistic Area of ELL,.

The list of data that includes all other categories (as Music Industry or Events) are indexed by specific Area Index.

What the EMC Entries may represent in different levels

This list does not define a specific levels, but what in general may or may not represent the entries (e.g. the word Pop Music of Blues Rock) in EMC. In EMC 2 Level and in EMC Parameters you will find specific features for each levels.

An entries may be :

- a music genres;

- a metagenres ;

- an artist's strategies (style);

- a cultural movements;

- a ethnical cultural movements;

- an aggregations of oral or written musical traditions;

- the use of particular tecnhical equipments or instruments;

- the different degrees of the use of electronic during the recording or the live performance of a "music event";

- a different geographical origin of the artists within the same sets or genres;

- the evolutions of the same genre and style during different generations;

- a different use of language for similar music genres or styles.

2.2 EMC Entries
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