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Main Genres Features

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More than one thousands standard music genres and basic units only for cataloguing purpose

Standard set and unit of EMC System. All the upper levels are logical filters of this fundamental list.

1 Jul 2022

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In EMC the base unit is the Main Genre. With it one goes to identify the genre that best represents, the artist or that however has given life to the period artistically and/or economically more successful of own career. In some cases, as best described in the Feaures section of EML, the main gender in standard definitions may be different. Deviations from common definitions are always motivated by the need to give priority to the sound characteristics of the artist, which, if in the case of a member of the Greatest Artists category, is however easily identifiable, for minor artists in the Recording Artists category, or New Proposal becomes more difficult. In order to offer to those looking for an artist a unique indication on the type of sound and therefore to the standards offered by their music, it was essential to make some changes to some traditional classifications, which however remain listed and indexed (and then drop down filters in the Other Genres columns.

In Artist pages, the name Genre is substituted with Main Genre. This for highlight the idea that often is musicians , a singer or a band are hardly classifiable by an only terms. Main Genres and Genres are the same. but in Artists the terms is used to indicate what of an artist an EMC Genre that better represent :�

- the largest part of the repertoire of an artist;

- the most significant ages of�

The genre is a standard term of musical literature that refers to a unit of musical classification of works (and therefore of the artists who conceived and wrote the lyrics or composed the musical session or recorded the published versions ) whose sound, language, audience, and generally also production systems, recording methods, common live performance venues and events all fall within certain limits set by certain gender aesthetic rules, previously defined during the beginning of the movement that gave rise to the musical canon. One example is Rock and Roll, originally the only true form of rock, which more or less unintentionally gave rise to a system of common rules,evolved and expanded by subsequent artists who drew inspiration from the pioneri genre going to create other genres that have differentiated over time from the mother gender, but have retained the most important aesthetic canons of the mother gender. Blues Rock, for example, has rhythms, melodies and lyrics very different from rock and roll, it develops in other contexts, with other ambitions, from life to different social phenomena, darker, deeper, closer to the aesthetics of blues to its cultural origins. It was also played, listened to, danced in venues other than rock and roll and gave rise to raw and alternative genres such as psychedelic rock, hard rock, garage, punk culture, and indirectly also metal and punk. But it cannot be defined in a genre other than rock.

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