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EML Music Lists (the website)

Coded subtitle

I a music classification system and media syncronizing

An overviews about the functionalities of EML

7 Jul 2022

© 2021 -  All rights reserved

Terms of Use a music classification system and media syncronizing

E.M.L. (Euphonic Music Lists) is a web music guide with some basic features and a layout similar to a streaming platform but with links to internal or external pages of third-party sites instead of the audio playback feature.�

The structure of the site is formed on the basis of an exclusive four-level music classification system, EMC Euphonic Music Classification or more simply category Classification, which encloses a list of about 1000-1200 genres (Main Genre) divided and filterable to the three upper levels: Frames, Broad Genres and Clusters.�

In EMC the majority of musical movements, genres or metagenres listed correspond to their equivalents in the standard classifications. Some genres are described in non-standard but easy-to-understand terms (e.g., Alternative Art Rock).�

The EML service also offers a list or category called Media in which are listed more important digital media and some traditional, operating in the field of music, always in a form similar to a playlist and with different information content of the media itself viewable. Through the EMC Media function, you can automatically synchronize the EMC list entries you have chosen with the Media list. That is, you can create as many lists as there are EMC entries in which the selected term is searched in all Urls of the Media category.

The differences between a a Search Engine and a Web Guide

Although some features may make you believe, EML is not a search engine.�

The core functions of EML Service are:

  1. to create list of Artistic and Non Artistic Entries (as EMC Entries, Greatest Artists or Greatest Albums etc..)

  2. to publish and update a precompiled list a not defined amount of selected on line media (currently around one hundred) whose �service is strictly or generally related to the music as database, streaming services, on line video sharing plarform, download platform, webzine, on line shop etc..

  3. to generate APEL (Automatic Precompiled External Links) using as terms of search the list at point 1 (the content ) and as media (or medium), one or more of the media listed in point 2

  4. list PEL (Pre-compiled External Links) to articles, lists, useful internal pages, documentary, playlists , channel etc, inside digital media listed in point 2, that appear inside tables, sometimes together APEL and sometimes alone, �with clickable rows;�

Unlike search engines, you cannot enter a word at random and search generally in web .�

EML does not have specifica algorythm or robots or any other AI-based retrieving information system.�

EML is a sort of technical blog, with a lay out similar to a a streaming platform, that �collects data and some basic information as a database but cannot be defined as search engine. It can be defined a "pre-filling" system to generate terms to be automatically searched in the real search engine or in huge world leading database. �We came a step before.�

Is EML a Streaming Platform or an Audio Player?

Absolutely No!

EML is not a streaming platform nor an OVS (Online Video Sharing).. Within the site there is no kind of audio or video playback functionality except for what might be the video product and published by the EML Author as video tutorial about EML and its functionalities

Is EML a blog?�

For this reason IT MIGHT BE DEFINED a "technical blog":

  • the weekly updated contents;

  • it has been realized by a single Author;

  • it is not part of a commercial system;

  • �it is still not certificate by any company;�

  • the type of database aimed to create Author's suggested entries lists more than a "dimension oriented" database;

For this reason we must say thatIT IS NOT a blog:�

  • it has no weekly or daily post;

  • it has been technically developed as a database;

  • it has specific services and functionalities that are in certain cases more relevant that the contents themselves;�

  • it has not the totally "subjective oriented" features as in a blog;

EML is not a blog or webzine. The EML lists are constantly updated, some articles can be published in the form of a post or a page of the site but EML does not offer information, criticism or teaching services of the musical arts. This aspect is underlined because, being a guide, it is important that EML does not offer similar services to those who promote through its functionalities.

Is EML a directories media services?

The EML lists were not intended as professional lists or to become the "yellow pages" of music (J-58.12 - Publishing of directories and mailing lists*) . Nor do they have among their objectives large numerical aggregates of items.

They are rather a guide to the web content of the music world.

Therefore, even if some illustrious examples will be listed for each category, Our task is mainly to create lists that lead to third-party databases specialized in making a qualified and as varied a contribution as possible to the research by professionals, students, artists or simple music lovers.

This section completes the data flow of the three main sections, providing functionality and urls in which to search for the data or entries selected in the two previous sections, one of music classification (EMC) and one of voices in general (ELL).


This class includes the publishing of lists of facts/information (databases), that are protected in their form, but not in their content. These lists can be published in printed or electronic form. This class includes: - publishing of mailing lists - publishing of telephone books - publishing of other directories and compilations, such as case law, pharmaceutical compendia etc. (from NACE official website)

In what economic class can EML be included?


[for collaborators]

The EML service is NOT entirely comparable:

  • to a pure and/ or exhaustive service listing addresses of professionals or websites (NACE I-58.12 -Publishing of directories and mailing lists)

  • to a mere publication of articles providing such type of content in unstructured form as the articles of a web-magazine or webzine (NACE J-58.14 -Publishing of journals and periodicals);

  • to a blog in the traditional sense of the word , or articles published and listed in chronological order with new and unstructured content (NACE J-63.12 Web portals) [3]

  • to a search engine (NACE J-63.12 Web portals) because even if EML provides links ordered and easibily reachable it is more similar to an open database and does not use sarch engine systems, robots or other software of indentification of words, tags, metatags etc..;

EML might be defined as :

a database of selected [4] entries, related to music [5] intended as

  • art [6]

  • media for its consumption and information [7]

  • industry [8]

  • educational topic [9]

Each of the term related to the listed entries (such the string the made up the word) create a list of pre-compiled or automated external links with the purpose to search related meanings, info, other list of links, addresses, and the ways of consumptiom in third party's media services if it's a published work (artistic entries).

EML should be included in NACE J-63.12 Web portals [3] as

[3] NACE J-63.12 Web portals

This class includes: - operation of web sites that use a search engine to generate and maintain extensive databases of Internet addresses and content in an easily searchable format - operation of other websites that act as portals to the Internet, such as media sites providing periodically updated content

This class excludes: - publishing of books, newspapers, journals etc. via Internet, see division 58 - broadcasting via Internet, see division 60


Questa versione di EML � un database on-line, quindi un sito website che per certe caratteristiche potrebbe essere assimilato ad un� attivit� classificabile nel catalogo NACE nella segeuente maniera:

Sezione : J Informazione e comunicazione

Divisione 63- Attivit� dei servizi d'informazione

Gruppo 63.1 - Elaborazione dati, hosting e attivit� correlate; portali web

Classe J-63.12 - Portali web

classe che include:

  • funzionamento di siti web che utilizzano un motore di ricerca per generare e mantenere ampi database di indirizzi Internet e contenuti in un formato facilmente ricercabile

  • funzionamento di altri siti web che fungono da portali per Internet

  • siti multimediali che forniscono contenuti aggiornati periodicamente

vedi classe 63.12 sul catalogo NACE ;

In questo caso per�:

- la definizione classica di �portale� � assolutamente estesa e fuori contesto, in quanto

Web Portal in Wikipedia;

See All
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