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Music Clusters Features

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Almost two hundred of sound paths and inspirational models

Non standard term for conventional main movements or national scenes. Sets of Genres following the same inspirational �path� of style and techniques.

1 Jul 2022

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The Author choose this term because some of them have been arbitrary created to isolate the line of inspirational processes during time, from generation to generation of artists.�

In Cluster, styles could also be entirely differen, but �generally they have similar �purpose of artists and produders and some features geographically based, and some others are period based. The same rules of indentifying the chains of inspiration are applied to this kind of

Clusters are the pillar of our research and express the idea that even those who think they love only one musical genre, in reality this "connection" varies in time and space for many variables that may be infinite:�

- why we listen to sounds

- where we do it (a car, at home, in a stadium etc..)�

- when we do it �(during other activities, as an activity for its own, for work etc..)�

- at what age we do it;

- what is our state of mind;

- what is our state of consciousness;

- who are we together with;

- to what kind of sounds and kind of content we are usually exposed;

- which gender most closely reflects our social circle or friendships;

We could go on but the concept remains the same. EML through simple layering tries to distract the user?s attention from this kind of considerations and focus attention on sound content. Clusters in particular are a way to precede and direct the search through complex algorithms of large websites, using a precise distinction of genres and entering in the search terms that index this type of search more directly.

The informational retrieval is a complex matter, but if we do not know what to look for if we do not always want to insert the right word we would only use a infinnitesima part of the infinite potential of the search for algorithms.�

The user of EML can therefore easily use the taxonomic distinction ready in levels knowing that the distinction that is carried out to its inside, even if often it reports non-standard terms and that can seem excessively hierarchizing (such as Alternative Garage Rock) or excluding terms such as Indie (even if you use it otherwise it is optimized for later search engine search.

Standard and EMC classifications

EMC is not too different from the traditional classification. It is almost not so for the names of the genres, the basic units.

It is for the subgenres, because they �are not considered a hierachical definition and do not have a value in the structure, except in that cases in which they have been trated as Genres. Subgenres and Style are inserted as a definition in the last column of the tables.

It is partly different because of the Clusters. �They do not exists in the conventional catalouging, but in many �cases they are practical similar to certain broad genres. They are the core of my works because analyzing the artists I have collected them together, not just for the similitude in descriptive features as style and techinique, but also considering each artists as a brick in a pyramid, in which the vertex are the pioneer of the first genres that have inspired all the subsequent.�

We could say that:

Clusters are vertical sets.

Styles are horizontal.

Same or similar styles, technique or fashion could be trasversal to the genres, and they could be adopted from artists of the same age and different cultures.

In a Cluster, the styles are not so relevant as the inspirations that manage the artistical background and the language of the artists.�

The broad genres as in the conventional definitions, hold similar genres, or differtent ones sharing the same umbrella, but they do not specify how they are subdivided for line of inspiration or for nearness of languages.

The classification proposed in this page must be considered an index of our site and therefore the schematic result not be evaluated as a proposal or a criticism of conventional classification.

A Cluster may be : - a particular sets of a Broad Genre that may be compared to the radio format (Classic Rock, Contemporary Adult etc..) - well defined metagenres classified as a genre in standar taxonomy (es. Soul Music, Alternative Rock) including too much subgenre and movements to be classified in EML as a Genre (Main Genre) - the main distinction inside huge sets as Hip Hop , Rock or Folk Music of whose they represent the main cultural movements; geographically subdivision of the same Broad Genre in national or wide music scenes. This kind of Cluster are subdivision of that Broad Genres with strong local features as techniques, language, sound, lyric's themes etc.. Eg: Folk Music, World Music and Pop Music , that is subdivided in this way already in the Frame level (Western, Inetrnational and Latin and so on with the lower level). - a scheme of the the evolution and melting of genres and styles with similar semantic contents and general approach to creation of sounds, texts and arrangements and more generally to the language used by the artists (e.g Space Rock that must not be confused with the omonymous Genre).

In EMC have been collected �Artists in Genres (Lev 4) for the most case identical at the ones in the conventional classification.�

Some Genre has been made up and some abolished with the only purpose of simplify and reduce their ��number and having as main evaluation parameters:

similarity in style, descriptive features of sounds (estethical features)

similiarity in prescriptive rule of music language (poietical features)�

similar Genres (Lev 4) in Cluster (Lev 3) a set usually called broad enre. We used this terms because some Cluster have been arbitrary created to isolate the line of inspirational processes during time, from generation to generation of artists. In Cluster, styles could also be entirely differen, bute �general purpose of artists and produders and some features described Some Clusters are geographically based, and some others are period based. The same rules of indentifying the chains of inspiration are applied to this kind of

Standard and EMC classifications

EMC is not too different from the traditional classification. It is almost not so for the names of the genres, the basic units.

It is for the subgenres, because they �are not considered a hierachical definition and do not have a value in the structure, except in that cases in which they have been trated as Genres. Subgenres and Style are inserted as a definition in the last column of the tables.

It is partly different because of the Clusters. �They do not exists in the conventional catalouging, but in many �cases they are practical similar to certain broad genres. They are the core of my works because analyzing the artists I have collected them together, not just for the similitude in descriptive features as style and techinique, but also considering each artists as a brick in a pyramid, in which the vertex are the pioneer of the first genres that have inspired all the subsequent.�

We could say that:

Clusters are vertical sets.

Styles are horizontal.

Same or similar styles, technique or fashion could be trasversal to the genres, and they could be adopted from artists of the same age and different cultures.

In a Cluster, the styles are not so relevant as the inspirations that manage the artistical background and the language of the artists.�

The broad genres as in the conventional definitions, hold similar genres, or differtent ones sharing the same umbrella, but they do not specify how they are subdivided for line of inspiration or for nearness of languages.

The classification proposed in this page must be considered an index of our site and therefore the schematic result not be evaluated as a proposal or a criticism of conventional classification.

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