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Broad Genres Features

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Thirty one well-know terms to identify the boundaries of genres rules

Standard term to define a wide "umbrella" of genres and subgenres with with generic affinities in the aesthetic rules of sounds , techniques , contents of lyrics and having usually a pivotal genre as root.

1 Jul 2022

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What is a Broad Genre?

The list of Broad Genres is comparable to the ones usually set up in the home page of music websites and defined as "genres".

In EML a Broad Genre :

  1. is a set of Music Clusters (EMC Level 3);

  2. is a set of standard genres that are called Main Genres or simply Genres (EMC Level 4);

  3. is an umbrella of well-defined genres with the most relevant features leading to the definition of genre;

  4. represent the boundaries of the genre rules;

  5. a set of Genres and Clusters having the same sound roots or a pivotal genre that originated the whole movement;

What are the genre rules that a Broad Genre define?

A list of more or less followed rules that define the kind of performance /performers, the tools used , the type of audience (although not the age or the social level, as is best defined in the genre) , general style strategies etc... In Rock, for example, there are Blues Rock, Hard Rock, Garage Rock and Psychedelic Rock that have very distant features in general terms of listening, but are all described as rock.

You can simplify this set as what defines the extreme limit of a group of genre that all have a common root. This root can be a pivotal genre and its evolutions . E.g; Broad Genre "Rock"includes genres evolved from the pivotal genre ?Rock and Roll? that led to the development of styles , variations techniques, from very similar to totally different genres. Making other sources of inspiration the pivot genre has merged into variations of the theme as in the case of Blues Rock , keeping the typical sounds of the genre, then performer, rhythm decided but not violent, different themes (for Cluster, see the next chapter) but never as extreme as in other Broad Genre (Metal or Punk). The audience is often common in the individual genres, and the constant ability to disseminate the works or not in distributive contexts considered "popular" as generic radio, television broadcasts, commercials determines one of the distinctive features of Broad Genre. As you can read in the pages Features, Metal and Punk, while having the same inspirational origin, Rock, almost always maintaining the same type of training (singer, guitar, drums, bass, the "rock band) and similar live performances (from jam-clubs to big arenas) the inclusion of other completely new styles or techniques generated two sets apart. In other cases, the distinction is made by geographic origin of the bands or soloists, and especially by language and cultural origins, as in the case of Western, Latin and International Pop or Frame Folk/Country.

The term "Rock" has undless nuances. In EML it's one of the main Broad Genre including four sublevels (EMC 3 Music Clusters) : "Classic Rock", "Alternative Rock", "Space Rock" and "International Rock".

Read carefully the features of the levels because they cannot describe what in standard classification or in common usage use to mean.

The second level of EMC Classification and the more balanced access to the list.

The Broad Genre listed by EML form the second level of the EMC classification and maybe the most useful of all for the following reason:

B.G are currently 32. you can easily pick up one from the list without using filters or sorting them.

Names of this level are well known and recognizable terms. �E.g. David Bowie may be included in Pop Rock, Space Rock, Art Rock, Electronic Rock, Synth Pop, Glam Rock but he is anyway included in Broad Genre "Rock".

A Broad Genre is the most significant class in which you can find a type of artist. You can skip Frames and use this level as first step for your searches if you already have an idea about new genres that you are looking for;

the overview of B.G. includes a reasonable lists of artists and works, considerated the �greatest for each Genres (Greatest Artists or simply Artists);

the results synchronization of a Broad Genre name with �the list of digital media operator in EMC Media (auto-generated lists of external links) may produce a great amount of results. Being all the B.G. name standard terms, some results are always assured in almost all media.�

the precompiled lists are usually divided by Broad Genres;

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