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Classification refers to the process of categorizing or grouping objects, entities, or concepts based on their shared characteristics or properties. It involves assigning items to predefined categories or classes based on their similarities or differences.

The purpose of classification is to create order, structure, and organization within a set of objects or information. By grouping similar items together and separating dissimilar ones, classification enables efficient organization, retrieval, and analysis of data or knowledge.

In various fields and domains, classification plays a crucial role. Here are a few examples:

  1. Library Science: Libraries use classification systems, such as the Dewey Decimal Classification or Library of Congress Classification, to organize books and other resources into categories based on subject matter. This helps users locate materials efficiently.

  2. Machine Learning: Classification is a fundamental task in machine learning, where algorithms are trained to classify data points into predefined categories based on input features. For example, an email spam filter classifies incoming emails as either spam or non-spam based on various indicators.

  3. Biological Taxonomy: As mentioned earlier, biological taxonomy involves the classification of living organisms into hierarchical categories based on their shared characteristics. It helps scientists understand the relationships and evolutionary history of different species.

  4. Image Recognition: Classification algorithms are often used in computer vision applications to categorize images into specific classes. For instance, an image recognition system may classify images of animals into different species or identify objects like cars, buildings, or trees.

In summary, classification involves grouping objects or information into categories based on shared characteristics. It serves as a basis for organizing, analyzing, and understanding data across a wide range of disciplines.


Classification is a process related to categorization, the process in which ideas and objects are recognized, differentiated and understood. Classification is the grouping of related facts into classes. It may also refer to a process which brings together like things and separates unlike things.

Business, organizations, and economics


See also

What are the standard music taxonomies?

Structure of a music taxonomy system

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Music genre and style

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Crossover Genre

Music Information Retrieval (MIR)

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