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A web music guide in a free platform

EML ( is a project for a free web platform including three main sections .

Classify and connect to only highly selected contents

Our target is to reach a highly selected lists of names, titles and genres in the artistic areas, and third party's websites or portals in the other Categories.

We do not add articles, reviews, ranking or personal posts because we want to share the best links of third party's websites to find such contents.

Pre-filled terms for automatic creation of verified and autorizhed [1] external links

We want to share a system of so-called Linklists , list of terms as genres, metagenres, artists' names, albums or tracks titles, web music services, organizations, broadcasters or other website of interest for music lover artists or professionists, included in linkable table . You can find thee tables in almost all the pages of contents, displayed as a streaming platform but that not triggering any kind of audio or video contents. 

Clickig in a linklists you can :

- connect to other lists of EML (Internal Pre-compiled lists);

- connect directly to the External sources as clearly indicated in the row and in the page title (Pre-compiled Linkslist). In this case a new window of your browser will be opened in the same set of tabs with the home page of the entry (e.g the home page of a digital media services or of a music school);

- connect to the search page of an extrernal default media, or to a media settled by the user (you can open the Setting Media window clicking on the the button with the set icon in the header). Also in this case a new window of your browser will be opened in the same set of tabs but it will not display an home page but the search page with the search bar of this third party's website pre-filled with the subject of the row (e.g. an artist's name or a music genre). 

We are not a search engine because we have an our selected database, but you can use EML to pre-fill the terms that we suggest in the search bar of leading digital media databases or be led directly to the home pages or main channel of the entries listed

The pages of this test version are almost all encrypted and you can access only using a password.

This version has been published to let the Author to show the project to expertises, institutions and companies in order to fulfill all the authorizations needed, complete the taxonomy system and develope the web platform.

[1] In this test version of EML the content pages with external links are accessible only with a password available for collaborators, developers, companies and institutions involved in the authorizations. The full version will be published only when the EML functionalities will be fully authorized and when we will be able to guarantee the higher level of security. We only use a limited range of highly reliable sources and global leading websites for our links , but we have to verifiy and strenghten the control of all the process of external linking to be sure of providing a safe browsing to our user.

Introduction to EML Project

27 Apr 2022

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About EML Project

A not-profit cultural initiative- Test version for collaborators only.

If you need the code to access the restricted area please contact us

EML Project is a non-profit cultural project born from the idea of the Author, currently developed in a trial version, closely linked to the presentation of the project itself, with pages of contents accessible only by password.

The trial version was created and published in this way to be able to evaluate all the modules of the site as thought to the various technical collaborators and professionals who manage the platform on which it is developed: legal musical and commercial consultant.

Digital media operators'authorizations


The publishing of the final project does not only concern the development of the site itself, but the whole chain of agreements and collaborations that must structured around the project. 

The key figures of these structure are the companies holders of digital media services listed in the Digital Media subcategory, hereby called DM Operators (Digital Media Operators).

The Author's purposes for this stage of EML Project is to understand first the feasibility of the idea for what concern the internal rules of all the DM Operators reguarding the deep link directed to their websites in general , and more in particualr for this kind of automated services.

Security and privacy

The Author places among the most important key conditions for the development of the project the security of the site and users, the management of the privacy of the same and the listed companies, and the legitimacy of all external connexions that must be previously authorized prior to release or other form of contract.

Financing sustentability

The financing and subsequent operational feasibility of the project will be privately communicated to stakeholders only at the end of this phase of the overall project evaluation.

Collaborations, authorizations and financing

27 Apr 2022

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EML Project Data

27 Apr 2022

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Specific Features
Test Version
EMC Levels dynamic index

​The classification system start from Frames: ten huge sets (arbitrarly named but corresponding to the conventional meaninng) collecting an average of 200-600  Genres [3], [4], [5], [6] most of all classified and named according to the standard music taxonomy [1],[6], although the definitions and theories in this discipline are many and varied.

All the Genres collected in the ten Frames: are filtered in two sublevels : L2 Broad Genres and L3 Music Clusters (or just Clusters), to help finding your music path.

You can see more deep definitions of how EMC Levels are made up and updated in this links [8]

Select a Frame to filter the lower levels in the page: you can click on one of the picture below or use the drop down on the  right.

The sublevels L2 Broad Genre, L3 Clusters and L4 Genres will be filtered with a hierarchical order.

You can see the sublevels of each entries displayed clicking on the update button in the right of the rows. Will be applied the same kind of filter but from that level down. For example:  updating a voice of L2 you will filter L3 and L4.
To reset all the sublevels filter use the "Reset Filters"  button.  You can find a page with more details for each of the 5280 EMC  Entries (updated at 22th May 2022) visiting the pages of Overviews called "Levels". You can find it: 

- clicking in the rows of this pages;

- going to the next pages of this section clicking the arrows or using the tab button or starting from the list of Levels

You can synchronize the the Frame with the media that you have set as default clicking on the button Synchronize.

If you still have not set your default digital media for your searches in EML open Media Setting window.

L1 Frames

L1- Frames are the wider and higher sets EMC Entries in EMC representing the pivotal cultural movements in popular music (see [4]



This set includes genres and metagenres with  very different styles and genres rules [1][2] but each originated by the same ethnic, geographic or cultural roots (e.g: African American Music, Electronic Music or Pop Music). Secific music techniques, languages or  performers formations are considered as parameters in the lower levels.

The definitions and meaning of the terms used for this level are the same as in standard taxonomy, (Pop Music, Folk & Country, Dance Music etc..) except for Rock Frame.

This group is made up by three music movements derived from Rock and Roll in the 50s: Rock, Metal and Punk.

These genres [1] have so very different sound rules that have been classified in different Broad Genres , under the same umbrella of an set that we have named  Rock Frame, but that could have been called Rock Derived Movements. As in many other Frame, the type of performers formation is one of the fundamental attribute to classify artists and works . For Rock Frame:  rock band or soloists (vocal or musicians) supported by a back-up band.


[1] See the definitions of "music" in :

- Wikipedia

- Encyclopedia Britannica

[2] See the definitions of "popular music" in :

- Wikipedia

- Britannica Encyclopedia.

[3] A "genre" in EML is intended in its generic meaning while a "Genre" is an EMC Level.

[4] See the definitions of "genre":

- Music genre - Wikipedia:

[5] See the defiintions of style and genres in  :

- List of All Genres & Styles - Discogs

- Music (Additional information) - Encyclopedia Britannica.

[6] See the following list of genres and style  :

- List of All Genres & Styles - Discogs

- Music (Additional information) - Encyclopedia Britannica.

- List of Music Genres and Style - Wikipedia:

EMC Music Classification Levels

Starting point for all the searches in the sections:  "EMC" and "Overviews", this page shows how easy is to find a genre or a metagenre using the four hierachical levels of EMC Music Taxonomy System.

All the tables are Frames-based. Selecting one entries in Level 1 will filter all the following lists showing the sublevels. You can see each level in separated lists visiting the following pages of this section.

If you want to see al the levels in one table only go to "Classification Advaced Search" in Overviews and use the filters option to search your EMC Entry.

Remember: most of the definitions of genres and metagenres in EMC are the same as in standard taxonomies, but some new terms have been added to make it easier the to search artists and works.

Total EMC Entries

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